Is Tinnitus Caused by Psychological Trauma? Some Say so

What is the relationship between tinnitus and psychological trauma? Tinnitus is a condition in which you experience constant or irregular ringing in the ears. It can occur without a prominent external sound source, as this is what people initially look for when they experience tinnitus for the first time.

Is Tinnitus Caused by Psychological Trauma?

The sounds can vary and be similar to ringing or buzzing, such as roaring, clicking, humming, hissing, or others. It is worth mentioning that the condition can begin almost instantly due to various reasons. The first few episodes of tinnitus sounds can make a person highly stressed and full of anxiety. Some people try to cope with it by running here and there, hoping the noises will stop. It can occur due to several different factors, and scientists believe that health conditions, especially the chronic ones in adults, play a huge role when tinnitus manifests symptoms.

Hearing loss, otosclerosis, and inner/middle ear conditions or damages are the common causes of tinnitus. Experts believe that those working in loud environments and constantly exposing themselves to high-pitched noises (such as music or construction) are more likely to develop tinnitus.

Implications of Tinnitus

Tinnitus can be subjective, which means that no one other than you will perceive or feel the ringing sensations. It can cause stress and anxiety as it can occur instantaneously without any probable cause. Sometimes trigger set off the noises, which can last from a couple of minutes to a long duration. While the condition remains incurable and experts try to find a permanent solution, various treatment methods can help to manage tinnitus temporarily. The major implication of this condition is that it can affect concentration, sleep, work, daily activities, speech, and communication.

In short, it can make life difficult. Sometimes the tinnitus noises can occur in beats with the pulse and heartbeats. This causes severe loss of focus and concentration while putting the person in a state of uneasiness. This type of discomfort and condition is a rare type of tinnitus known as “pulsatile tinnitus,” for which there is no cure but symptoms-alleviating therapies and medications.

The Relationship between Psychological Trauma and Tinnitus

There are many reasons that tinnitus can occur in a healthy individual, whether a child, adult or older person. While elders remain the most affected by tinnitus, everyone can experience it due to several factors. However, since it involves a psychotherapeutic approach for treatment at various fronts, people believe that psychological trauma and tinnitus have a relationship similar to “cause and effect.”

Tinnitus is a big psychological stress point as it disturbs many aspects of a healthy individual’s life. This condition can put the person in a debilitating situation from lack of proper hearing to phantom sound hallucinations. Many people believe that psychological trauma and abnormal brain activity that takes place in the follow-up can cause tinnitus.

This is the belief as trauma can significantly affect the thought process and cognitive abilities of the brain. Moreover, it can affect the circulatory system of the body, which causes irregular heart diseases, disorders, blood vessel conditions, and other similar issues. Especially brain trauma, which involves direct impact or injury to the head, is one of the prevalent causes of tinnitus. Furthermore, the relation between stress and tinnitus stems from the fact that those who are experiencing it focus more on it than those who don’t.

Tinnitus and Psychological Trauma

Therefore, it makes sense that stress can occur due to tinnitus along with an array of different psychological effects, including depression, anxiety, and sadness. We still need evidence of whether psychological trauma can cause severe or chronic trauma as there is a lack of research. Thus, in order to confirm a relation of cause and effect between tinnitus and psychological trauma, experts are doing research and studies into deeper topics and subtopics related to both.

Other Causes of Tinnitus

While there are no concrete conclusions on whether there is a direct connection between psychological trauma and tinnitus, various common causes can lead to tinnitus in people. Take a look at them to see if they coincide with any of your previous or current medical health conditions. Seeking prompt care from a reliable and reputable psychotherapist or psychologist can help to alleviate the symptoms and serious effects of tinnitus (chronic).

  • Hearing Loss
  • Ear Wax Buildup
  • Damage to Ear Cartilage
  • Ear Infections
  • Ear Bone Conditions (Stiffness, tumors, abnormal development, etc.)
  • Neck and/or Head Injuries
  • Medications (some medicines counter-effect the ear health and make it disturbing for people to experience tinnitus)
  • Blood Pressure Disorders
  • High Cholesterol
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Brain Diseases

Tinnitus & Psychological Trauma: Conclusion

Do you want an experienced tinnitus specialist to help you with your tinnitus condition and provide the most effective treatment options? You can get in touch with us at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™. Our expert, Dr. Stephen Geller Katz, has introduced  therapies and techniques to help patients manage, and in some cases, cure, tinnitus.

Dr. Katz speaks 5 languages and speaks with tinnitus patients from all over the world. Schedule an easy online consultation today.

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R

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Tinnitus Cognitive Center

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street
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New York, NY 10001

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