Ringing in the Ears: Do you Have Tinnitus?

If you struggle with the condition of a constant ringing sound in your ears, you already know that it can be annoying and frustrating. Although this ringing or buzzing in the ears is not a cause of concern most of the time, constantly experiencing it without any probable cause might require medical attention.

Ringing in the Ears | Tinnitus Treatment

Experts refer to this condition as “tinnitus,” whereas many people call it “a condition in which you hear ringing or buzzing noises in one or both of your ears”.

What is Ringing in the Ears (Tinnitus)?

Tinnitus is the occurrence of strange and obscure noises in your ears without a prominent cause. While we perceive sound normally through external sources, tinnitus is different. In this condition, the constant noise does not occur due to an external source. Rather, you hear noises because of an underlying internal issue. Still, you should not consider it more than sound disorder even though it is incurable most of the time.

Subjective tinnitus occurs when only the affected person can hear these strange and consistent noises in their ears. Conversely, objective tinnitus refers to when the people closely around the affected person may also perceive these sounds, but at a lower intensity. Note that objective tinnitus is rare and occurs in only 1% of all tinnitus patients. The noises are a result of musculoskeletal or cardiovascular movements within the body. Take a look at some of the general symptoms of tinnitus.


  • Roaring sounds
  • Whooshing sounds
  • Whistling noises
  • Hissing
  • Headaches
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Dizziness

What Leads to Ringing in the Ears (Tinnitus)?

For one, tinnitus may occur due to excessively loud sounds exposure. It is the case with most affected people and continues to persist. Moreover, it can cause noise-induced hearing impairment or even hearing loss. Loud sounds tend to destroy and adversely affect the condition of sound-sensitive cells in your ear’s cochlea, which is a spiral-shaped organ.

People who work jobs involving loud sounds or noises, such as musicians, construction workers, and factory workers, are at a higher risk of developing tinnitus. In addition, an abrupt exposure to loud noise can also manifest tinnitus in a healthy individual.

Health Conditions Leading to Tinnitus

Tumor if the auditory nerve

  • Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome affects the jaw, neck, and nearby areas of the ears
  • Ear clogs due to excessive wax buildup
  • Otosclerosis causes the small middle ear bones to become stiff
  • Menier’s disease leads to the deterioration of parts of the inner ear
  • Certain medications can harm the health of ears and their internal organs, so consult your healthcare provider to make sure don’t expose yourself to such threats
  • Neck and head accidents/injuries
  • Blood pressure disorders
  • Cardiovascular diseases and disorders
  • The aging process reflects poorly on the health of ears and the internal sound-sensitive cells and organs
  • Anemia, allergies, underactive or overactive thyroid gland, diabetes, etc.

Leaving the condition unaffected can lead to chronic progression of tinnitus, which may not be tolerable later on. Therefore, is best to seek medical attention to identify the underlying cause of tinnitus for effective treatment.

Tinnitus Ringing in Ears | Sound Disorder Treatment

What Treatments Might Help You with Ringing in the Ear (Tinnitus)?


Therapies can help a patient with tinnitus feel less bothered or obstructed by the constant ringing or other forms of sounds. Therapies aim to establish a new thought process. They allow patients to view the symptoms of tinnitus from a different outlook. Hence, while they may not feel comfortable with the condition, they surely feel less concerned due to them.

Sound Therapies

There are various types of therapies that can help people with tinnitus enjoy their life and live with fewer disturbances. Sound therapy helps reduce the constant noise and sounds due to tinnitus. These therapies involve the use of sound devices that mask the constant ringing with external sounds. Such devices can include hearing aids, white noise machines, and masking devices.

However, the sound being external should be pleasant to hear. Otherwise, the whole purpose of it will remain unfulfilled. Furthermore, these therapies offer temporary relief. It means that once you take the devices off, tinnitus symptoms are bound to return.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

While CBT doesn’t offer an outright solution to the tinnitus ringing and buzzing sounds, it offers comfort and relief with associated symptoms. CBT aims to reassure patients that tinnitus is a medical condition that doesn’t have a cure. By enhancing thinking and developing better behavioral patterns, an affected individual can learn to ignore these sounds.

TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy)

TRT therapy involves perceiving the disturbing sounds and noises as normal. What does this mean? The therapy will involve the use of devices and trained professional’s advice to rethink the noises as normal external noises, which will help the patient cope with the severity and resume their daily life.

Ringing in the Ears & Tinnitus: Conclusion

If you aim to find the most effective tinnitus solutions and healthcare, you should get in touch with Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™. Dr. Katz is a world renowned tinnitus specialist who has successfully treated thousands of patients suffering from sound disorders such as tinnitus. Call Stephen today for a consultation and to schedule a convenient online session from anywhere in the world.

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™
Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R

19 West 34th Street
Penthouse Floor
New York, NY 10001

Call today for a consultation



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Tinnitus Cognitive Center

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street
Penthouse Floor
New York, NY 10001

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