Noise Disorders

What are noise disorders? Individuals who suffer from noise disorders and auditory problems often end up isolating themselves in an attempt to avoid the noise that triggers their intense reaction. This condition is immensely problematic, especially because it comes in the way of their personal growth. Social interaction is very important for growth. These triggering sounds mess up with the sufferer’s emotions, and leave them frustrated and annoyed. Let us look at some common noise disorders and their effects.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss

NIHL is usually a result of exposure to loud and repetitive sound. The people who hear such sounds everyday are more likely to develop NIHL than others. For example, people working in an environment where there are extremely noisy machines. The inner ear suffers damage. NIHL can happen to individuals of all ages, in some case it is temporary while in others it is stubborn and does not go away.

Sound waves enter the ear canal, which is a passageway that makes the ear drum vibrate. There are tiny hair cells present in our ear for carrying the signals along with the auditory nerve to our brain, which then interprets the sound and we are able to hear. People who suffer from NIHL experience trouble hearing because these sensory hair cells suffer damage due to continuous exposure to noise. NIHL is preventable if you protect your ears from noise and wear earplugs to work and noisy places.


Exposure to loud and repetitive noise can also result in a disorder called Tinnitus. In this condition, sufferers feel a loud ringing, buzzing or hissing sensation in their ears non-stop. They feel extremely irritated and often try to mask the noise and distract themselves. The noise may vary in pitch and volume. Sufferers find it hard to concentrate on their routine activities and work because of this bothersome and loud noise.


Hyperacusis is a noise disorder in which patients experience intense discomfort towards sounds that others may find normal. These sounds are not necessarily loud. In fact, they can even be normal every-day sounds. Typically, hyperacusis is also a result of nonstop and long-term noise exposure. However, in some cases, it can result from PTSD i.e. post-traumatic stress disorder.

Hyperacusis patients must visit a specialist for a checkup of loudness discomfort level. That way, they will be aware of their level of sensitivity towards specific sounds. Specialists also recommend therapies like hyperacusis retraining, but that depends on your LDL. Therefore, it is best to get a proper check-up done from a professional.


Misophonia is a noise disorder that triggers intense emotional reactions. The sufferers cannot tolerate certain sounds. These sounds mainly include continuous clicking of the keyboard, scratching of nails against the walls or oral sounds like chewing or breathing. Misophoniacs tend to feel extreme rage towards the source of the sound and can go to any lengths to avoid the triggering noise. They fear the noise and isolate themselves.


Noise disorders of any sort are very hard to deal with. Sufferers often feel confused and helpless when it comes to looking for solutions. Some feel like giving up. However, losing hope is not the right thing to do. Get a thorough examination by a specialist and get in touch with the best specialist in NYC today. Let us find out effective solutions and treatment options for you.

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