How Can I Naturally Reduce My Tinnitus Symptoms?

Are you asking yourself how can I naturally reduce my tinnitus symptoms? Tinnitus is a common health issue. People are unfamiliar with the name, but once they understand what Tinnitus is, they can help themselves. Many people experience mild ringing or a hissing sound in their ears. This noise can be annoying because it continues perpetually, and you cannot figure out its cause. Tinnitus can be a result of a blockage in the ear, a symptom of an infection, or some other cause. If your condition is not serious, you can try some natural methods to treat Tinnitus.

Natural Remedies for Tinnitus Symptoms

It is also better to know the cause of this symptom, but if you are not sure, and doctors are unable to trace the reason for this condition, it is better to reduce Tinnitus with natural remedies. Even if you are trying natural methods to treat your condition, you must not rule out the option of getting help from a doctor. As for natural remedies, here are some that may relieve you of your pain.

1.     Use Onion Juice

Onions have antibacterial substances that can treat infections. Pour a few drops of cooked onion juice into the affected ear after cooling it down. Wait for five minutes and then turn your head so that the fluid can drip out of your ear.

Naturally reduce my tinnitus symptoms

2.     Use Garlic Eardrops

Garlic has an anti-inflammatory or antibacterial quality. Because of this quality, we can use it to make homemade ear drops. Mix fried and crushed garlic cloves with sesame oil. Pouring these drops every night for seven days can be an effective remedy.

3.     Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory treatment. If an ear infection is causing you Tinnitus, this remedy may help you remove this infection and cure Tinnitus as a result. It would be helpful if you take a couple of spoons of apple cider vinegar with water and honey three times a day.

4.     Drink Ginger Tea

A herbal tea made from ginger can help you cure Tinnitus if the cause is pressure in the ear. Ginger has a quality of relieving pain. It also helps with blood circulation.

5.     Maintain Body Vitamins

In some cases, Tinnitus may occur due to a lack of vitamin A in your body. This vitamin helps in maintaining the hearing function in the inner ear. If this region of the ear malfunctions, you may hear a buzzing and ringing noise. One of the best options rich in Vitamin A is pineapple. You can also take this vitamin through vitamin supplement pills.

6.     Use Mustard Oil

People may also use mustard oil as a natural Tinnitus remedy. Mustard oil can help with ear infections as it contains anti-fungal and antibacterial powers. This remedy also boosts the immune system and helps in reducing the chances of getting the disease again. Try a few drops of warm mustard oil in the infected ear. After five minutes, turn your head so the oil can come out of the ear.

7.     Take Zinc Supplements

Tinnitus may also be a symptom of the aging process. According to some people, taking zinc supplements of approximately 120 mg every day can help with Tinnitus. However, you need to continue this for about half a year to see any noticeable results.

8.     Keep Blood Pressure at Normal Levels

High blood pressure is another big cause of Tinnitus. Take healthy measures, such as avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, to help reduce Tinnitus symptoms. Lower your blood pressure by making stress-reducing activities a part of your lifestyle.

9.     Use Basil Paste

Basil leaves are a favorite herb in the kitchen that you can use as a remedy for treating Tinnitus. You can use a blender to extract the juice from basil leaves. Pour these drops in your ear a couple of times every day for nearly a week to get the desired results.

How can i naturally reduce my tinnitus symptoms?


You can never be sure if a homemade medicine or treatment will help you with your Tinnitus. Consider talking to a specialist to treat your condition in the best way possible. You can find a Tinnitus treatment specialist by contacting us at (646) 213-2321. Or, you can visit our clinic for consultation with a doctor. Our specialist, Stephen Katz, will be more than happy to treat your Tinnitus and help you live normally.

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Tinnitus Cognitive Center

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
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