Are You Suffering From Any of These Symptoms as a Result of Tinnitus? Call Today for a Consultation.

■ Mild to severe anxiety■ Depression
■ Insomnia■ Negative thinking
■ Triggered fight or flight■ Crying spells
■ Hopelessness■ Ringing in the ears
■ Suicidal thoughts

Are you growing more isolated?
Do you feel like life will never be the same?
Are you refraining from activities that you enjoy?
Are you fearful of losing your job?

Do you find that your thoughts tend to be negative?

If you answered yes to 3 or more of these questions or symptoms, then we can help. You may be a candidate for Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy, or TCRT.

With over 20 years of clinical experience, Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R developed Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy and founded the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ in response to the growing number of Tinnitus sufferers coming to his private practice.

He discovered that by helping people to retrain and reinterpret the thoughts around their Tinnitus, anxiety and depression symptoms began to improve. But even more important so did the Tinnitus. This and other methods offered by Dr. Katz is one of the best treatments for tinnitus

Call Dr. Katz at (646) 213-2321 for a consultation.

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Dr. Katz Speaks 5 languages

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The Best Holistic Treatments for Curing Tinnitus

The Best Holistic Treatments for Curing TinnitusDo you suffer from a ringing in the ears that’s happening all too often? If so, then there’s a chance that you’re suffering from tinnitus – but don’t worry, since there are several natural treatment options out there which can help. Most experts view tinnitus as a condition which causes ringing in the ears, however, this can also be manifested as other abnormal sounds and sensations. For many, tinnitus symptoms will eventually go away as the ears adjust, however, if you have been dealing with tinnitus for some time, you might want to try one of these natural treatment options.

#1. Counseling and Coping Strategies:

Experts recommend that patients suffering with tinnitus become as educated as possible about the condition and learn how to best deal with the symptoms. This could include getting educated on biofeedback in order to control your stress reaction to tinnitus sounds, for example. If tinnitus is really beginning to get you down or make you anxious, then talking with a counselor can help you manage the emotional side effects.

#2. Avoiding Prescription Drugs or Alcohol:

The Best Holistic Treatments for Curing TinnitusResearch has shown that some prescription and over-the-counter drugs, even simple painkillers, have been known to make the symptoms of tinnitus worse. Smoking, and drinking too much alcohol, are also linked to tinnitus and can worsen the symptoms. If you believe that your medication could be the root cause of your tinnitus, then speak to your doctor about lowering your dose or switching to a different brand.

#3. De-Stress:

If you are super stressed all the time, then this can lead to inflammation in your body, a main cause of tinnitus and other ear problems such as infections and vertigo. Along with that, being stressed out can make dealing with the symptoms of tinnitus worse due to the fact that it changes how your brain reacts to the sounds heard. Chronic stress can reduce your immunity and make you more susceptible to infections, nerve damage, allergies and other ear problems. Natural stress relievers such as exercise, yoga, meditation, and calming essential oils can help tackle a tinnitus problem brought on by stress.

#4. Remove Earwax:

If you have excessive earwax, this could be a main contributing factor to your tinnitus symptoms. However, be careful when dealing with this – putting q-tips or anything else into your ear to clean it can actually contribute to blockages and damage. If you are worried that you have too much earwax which could be causing a health problem, then speak to your doctor about having it drained.

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

Tinnitus: Is There a Cure?

Tinnitus is a condition that is mainly characterized by hearing ringing, buzzing, humming or hissing sounds in the ear that are not coming from the external environment. Although there is not usually a quick fix for tinnitus, unless it is caused by an easily treatable condition such as a middle ear infection or build-up of earwax, it will usually improve gradually over time. There are a number of treatments for tinnitus available which can help you cope with this condition and better manage the symptoms.

Treating Underlying Conditions:

Firstly, if you are suffering with tinnitus, the best thing to do is speak to your doctor and have them examine your ears to determine whether the condition has been caused by an easily treatable condition. In many cases, tinnitus is a symptom of minor ear issues, such as a perforated ear drum, an infection in the middle ear, or simply a build-up of too much ear wax. If your tinnitus is caused by any one of these conditions, they will usually be easy for your doctor to treat quickly with the appropriate methods, such as a course of antibiotics or earwax draining.

Correcting Hearing Loss:

If you have tinnitus which is mainly caused by age-related hearing loss or otherwise, then dealing with the hearing loss should be the first step to solving the problem. Correcting even minor hearing loss issues can often mean that the parts of your brain which are involved in hearing will no longer need to work as hard when it comes to interpreting sounds; therefore, your brain will not pay as much attention to the tinnitus. The best course of action is to see a hearing specialist who will be able to recommend a suitable course of treatment, such as having a hearing aid fitted or in some cases, surgery.

Counseling and Therapy:

As a continuous condition, tinnitus can often be very disruptive to the life of the patient. Many patients with tinnitus report a lack of focus and concentration due to the sounds that they hear, along with trouble sleeping and in some cases, mental health issues such as depression. Tinnitus counseling can be very useful by helping you to work together with your therapist to understand the condition and find healthy ways of managing and coping with it each day.

Get in touch today to book your appointment for the best tinnitus treatment in New York!

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the term used to describe hearing sounds from inside your body, rather than from an external source. In most cases, tinnitus is characterized as a ringing sound inside the ears, although patients with this condition often report hearing several different sounds, including buzzing, grinding, hissing, whistling, and humming sounds. Some patients can hear sounds which are similar to music, whilst others report hearing noises that tend to beat in time with their pulse, which is known as pulsatile tinnitus. Patients with tinnitus may also notice some hearing loss and extra sensitivity to everyday sounds.

Is Tinnitus Serious?

If you are suffering with tinnitus, then the first thing that you’ll want to know is whether it is a serious condition. Thankfully, tinnitus is rarely a sign of a very serious underlying condition, and the symptoms will tend to go away after a short time for many. However, tinnitus

can sometimes present itself as a continuous condition, which is when it can begin to have a significant impact on the patient’s everyday life. Severe cases of tinnitus can cause a lot of distress, have a huge impact on ability to focus and concentrate, and can lead to difficulty sleeping or depression.

When to See a Doctor:

If you are hearing continuous sounds in one or both ears that shouldn’t be there, then the best advice is to see your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will then be able to examine your ears to determine whether the problem is caused by an easily treatable condition such as an ear infection or perforated eardrum. They will also be able to carry out simple checks to detect any loss of hearing.

What Causes Tinnitus?

There is no known exact cause for tinnitus, however, the condition can develop either gradually over time, or come on suddenly. It often happens with some degree of hearing loss, although some patients with this condition do not report any damage to their hearing. Tinnitus is most often associated with age-related hearing loss, infections in the ear, inner ear damage caused by prolonged exposure to loud noises, build-up of earwax in the ear, or Meniere’s Disease, a condition which causes other symptoms such as vertigo and hearing loss. In some cases, there is no obvious reason for tinnitus to develop.

Do you think that you might be suffering with tinnitus? Contact us today to start your treatment with our NYC tinnitus experts.

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

Pulsatile Tinnitus Treatment

Pulsatile tinnitus refers to a sound that is generated in the ears as a result, usually, of blood flow problems. This causes the sound to vary with your heartbeat. Dr. Stephen Geller Katz a top Manhattan tinnitus treatment psychotherapist, explains that your pulsatile tinnitus may occur in only one ear. “Although it is sometimes difficult to determine the cause of tinnitus, pulsatile tinnitus is usually the result of a problem with blood flow to the ear.”

Pulsatile Tinnitus is Caused by Blood Vessel Disorders

The heart usually beats between 60 and 100 times each minutes, and that heartbeat is reflected throughout the circulatory system. If you have a problem with your blood vessels, such as a tumor pressing down on a blood vessel or a cholesterol plaque that is partially occluding a blood vessel, this can result in pulsatile tinnitus with each heartbeat. Even high blood pressure can result in changes in tinnitus as a result of your blood flow. This is why Dr. Stephen Geller Katz, one of New York’s top tinnitus treatment psychotherapists, recommends patients with tinnitus avoid things like caffeine or alcohol, which have an effect on blood pressure. Some people develop tinnitus as a result of an abnormal connection between the arteries and the veins. This is known as an arteriovenous malformation, or AVM, and usually only occurs in one ear.

Classification of Pulsatile Tinnitus

Pulsatile tinnitus can be caused by atherosclerosis, an aortic dissection, aneurysms and other abnormalities of the blood vessels. These can include a proliferation of blood vessels near a tumor. There are many reasons for pulsatile tinnitus, and they are usually classified as “arteriovenous,” “venous,” or “arterial,” depending upon the type of abnormal blood vessel.

Medications for Treatment of Tinnitus

There are a variety of medications used to treat tinnitus, and some of these medications that affect the blood vessels include diuretics (fluid pills) like Lasix, and other pills for blood pressure that include verapamil and nimodipine. Stress reduction with medications like Valium or clonazepam may also cause blood pressure reduction.

Surgical Treatment of Tinnitus

There may be some circumstances in which surgical treatment of tinnitus is useful. Most of these circumstances occur when the patient is suffering from some form of pulsatile tinnitus. For example, if the tinnitus is the result of abnormal blood flow through a vein, the vein may be interrupted, or ligated. Sinuses and abnormal blood flow can sometimes be corrected surgically. An aneurysm may be repaired and tinnitus can diminish as a result. Pulsatile tinnitus is also sometimes classified as objective, as there are real changes in blood flow that can be heard by a practitioner, not just by the patient.

Diet Can Be Helpful

Patients who experience pulsatile tinnitus as a result of blood flow abnormalities can reduce symptoms by reduction of salt in the diet, in order to reduce blood pressure. Abstinence from substances like caffeine and nicotine, both of which increase blood pressure, can be helpful, says Dr. Stephen Geller Katz , a leading Manhattan tinnitus treatment psychotherapist.

Pulsatile Tinnitus TreatmentIf you are suffering from pulsatile tinnitus, call today for your appointment with DrStephen Geller Katz , a leading New York City tinnitus treatment psychotherapist. Help is available for tinnitus, so call for a consultation with an expert in the treatment of tinnitus.

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

Finding a Doctor to Treat Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a type of condition in which a person hears or thinks he or she hears a ringing sound in their ears. Most people experience this at some point in their lives, but it usually only lasts for a short period of time and goes away. For other people, though, the condition lasts long term. And, it can be very troublesome overall. If you are suffering from this condition and you want to get help, turning to a doctor is important. When you visit our LCSW-R in New York City, you’ll learn more about what this may mean for you.

When Should Your See a Doctor?

While many people may not need to see a doctor for ringing in their ears, others should. You should do so if:

    • You have tinnitus that does not seem to go away.
    • The condition comes back frequently even multiple times a day or week.
    • The condition is causing you discomfort or even pain.
    • It is impacting your quality of life.

You should also seek our medical care if you develop this condition after you’ve had an upper respiratory infection, including the common cold. If the condition does not improve within seven days, it is important for you to seek medical care to learn the underlying cause. You should also seek out medical are right away if you are dizzy, or otherwise unable to focus, and if you have any type of hearing loss. Do not wait to get to the emergency room.

Choosing a Doctor

When it comes to tinnitus, many doctors can provide some care, but it is often limited. Many people find that this condition is one with few underlying causes that are worrisome. As a result, some people may not elect to get help. However, you should look for a doctor that has specific experience with tinnitus. You also want a provider that offers a wide range of treatment options for your condition. This is specifically important because not everyone responds to treatment for tinnitus in the same manner. Having multiple options can help protect you.

Seeking out care is an important step in regaining your quality of life. Tinnitus sufferers do not have to deal with this ringing on their own. Instead come in to see our LCSW-R in New York City to learn more about your options for treatment of ringing in the ears.

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

Tinnitus Cognitive Center

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street
Penthouse Floor
New York, NY 10001

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Dr. Katz Speaks 5 languages