Are You Suffering From Any of These Symptoms as a Result of Tinnitus? Call Today for a Consultation.

■ Mild to severe anxiety■ Depression
■ Insomnia■ Negative thinking
■ Triggered fight or flight■ Crying spells
■ Hopelessness■ Ringing in the ears
■ Suicidal thoughts

Are you growing more isolated?
Do you feel like life will never be the same?
Are you refraining from activities that you enjoy?
Are you fearful of losing your job?

Do you find that your thoughts tend to be negative?

If you answered yes to 3 or more of these questions or symptoms, then we can help. You may be a candidate for Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy, or TCRT.

With over 20 years of clinical experience, Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R developed Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy and founded the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ in response to the growing number of Tinnitus sufferers coming to his private practice.

He discovered that by helping people to retrain and reinterpret the thoughts around their Tinnitus, anxiety and depression symptoms began to improve. But even more important so did the Tinnitus. This and other methods offered by Dr. Katz is one of the best treatments for tinnitus

Call Dr. Katz at (646) 213-2321 for a consultation.

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Do I Need An ENT Doctor to Treat My Tinnitus?

Do you need An ENT doctor to treat your tinnitus? Sometimes, you may start hearing a ringing sound in your ears. This usually occurs after you get a bad infection in your ear, or you have heard a loud noise. The ringing sound can be very inconvenient and irritating, but it finally falls down. But what if it does not subside and stays with you forever? In America, more than 50 million people suffer from chronic tinnitus.

Do ENT doctors treat tinnitus?


This condition involves hearing sensitivity. Because of this, a person hears ringing in the ears or a noise that does not come from an external source. A basic issue is that the tinnitus affects about 20 to 15 percent of the people. Tinnitus is not a condition on its own but a symptom of various conditions. These include circulatory system disorder, ear injury, or age-related hearing loss.

The tinnitus is not always a sign indicating something serious, but it can be worse if you are aging.  Treating an identifiable cause can sometimes help. Other treatment methods mask the noises or reduce it, making tinnitus less visible. Tinnitus is of two types:

·       Subjective tinnitus

In subjective tinnitus, the affected person can only hear a sound. It can occur due to ear problems inside your inner, outer, or middle ear. It can also occur due to issues of hearing in the part of your brain that stands in between the nerve signals.

Objective tinnitus

In this type of tinnitus, only your doctor can hear when they are examining. This may occur because of a problem in your middle ear bone, muscle contractions, or blood vessels. No one can give you treatment, but only the local ENT doctor who specializes in treating tinnitus can tell you what type you have. Then, they can give you a very good and perfect treatment for this condition. Here are some of the ways an ENT doctor will help treat your tinnitus:

Treatment for Tinnitus

To treat tinnitus, doctors will first find out the best method that suits your symptoms. If you have tinnitus because of a health condition, the doctor will slowly take steps that can reduce the noise by treating that condition. These conditions involve:

·       Earwax removal

Removing the impacted earwax from your ear can decrease symptoms of tinnitus.

·       Treating a blood vessel condition

If you suffer from vascular conditions, an ENT doctor may suggest surgery, medication, or a different treatment.

·       Changing your medication

If you suffer from tinnitus because of certain medications you take from your doctor, your ENT doctor will change the medication or stop your usage of that drug.

Noise suppression

In some cases, white noise may prove helpful to suppress bothersome sounds. Your doctor will recommend that you use something electronic to suppress the sound.

·       White noise machines

Devices that create sounds of the environment, such as ocean waves and rain, are very helpful in reducing the noise, making them an effective treatment for tinnitus. You can also try a white noise machine, which can be very helpful while sleeping. Air conditioners, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, and fans can reduce the sound of tinnitus and help you sleep.

·       Hearing aids

This can be very useful if you cannot hear properly as well they are good in tinnitus.

·       Masking devices

This is similar to a hearing aid, and you have to wear this device on your ear. This device produces white noises endlessly, so it reduces the symptoms of tinnitus.

·       Tinnitus retraining

A wearable device that can mark the frequencies of the tinnitus you are experiencing. By using this technique, you will start living a normal life and avoid tinnitus sounds. Eventually, the device will help you forget and avoid hearing the sound. Counseling can be very helpful for retraining tinnitus.

ENT doctors & tinnitus


Drugs can sometimes help to reduce the tinnitus symptoms, but the side effects can be a little dangerous such as nausea and drowsiness.

Diagnosis with Tinnitus

An ENT doctor will ask you the following questions while diagnosing your condition:

  • Tell the doctor everything about the pain
  • Explain which ear you are experiencing pain in
  • Explain how the sound comes to you: is it high or low pitched? Is it a swooshing or roaring sound?
  • They will ask if you have ever noticed that the noise changes pitch or volume. You need to make a diary and share it with the ENT doctor
  • You need to tell the ENT doctor if the sound gets worse while eating or performing any other tasks
  • You should inform the ENT doctor of any herbal remedies or medication you are taking

Conclusion: Consult with Tinnitus Treatment Expert Stephen Geller Katz LCSW

Stephen Katz has extensive experience in helping people suffering from tinnitus. The reason is that tinnitus is usually a symptom of another problem, so once that problem is solved, you will feel better. Dr. Katz will provide the best treatment options for tinnitus. To schedule an online appointment, contact us at 646-213-2321. You can also visit our website for further details about the conditions we treat.

The Best Holistic Treatments for Curing Tinnitus

The Best Holistic Treatments for Curing TinnitusDo you suffer from a ringing in the ears that’s happening all too often? If so, then there’s a chance that you’re suffering from tinnitus – but don’t worry, since there are several natural treatment options out there which can help. Most experts view tinnitus as a condition which causes ringing in the ears, however, this can also be manifested as other abnormal sounds and sensations. For many, tinnitus symptoms will eventually go away as the ears adjust, however, if you have been dealing with tinnitus for some time, you might want to try one of these natural treatment options.

#1. Counseling and Coping Strategies:

Experts recommend that patients suffering with tinnitus become as educated as possible about the condition and learn how to best deal with the symptoms. This could include getting educated on biofeedback in order to control your stress reaction to tinnitus sounds, for example. If tinnitus is really beginning to get you down or make you anxious, then talking with a counselor can help you manage the emotional side effects.

#2. Avoiding Prescription Drugs or Alcohol:

The Best Holistic Treatments for Curing TinnitusResearch has shown that some prescription and over-the-counter drugs, even simple painkillers, have been known to make the symptoms of tinnitus worse. Smoking, and drinking too much alcohol, are also linked to tinnitus and can worsen the symptoms. If you believe that your medication could be the root cause of your tinnitus, then speak to your doctor about lowering your dose or switching to a different brand.

#3. De-Stress:

If you are super stressed all the time, then this can lead to inflammation in your body, a main cause of tinnitus and other ear problems such as infections and vertigo. Along with that, being stressed out can make dealing with the symptoms of tinnitus worse due to the fact that it changes how your brain reacts to the sounds heard. Chronic stress can reduce your immunity and make you more susceptible to infections, nerve damage, allergies and other ear problems. Natural stress relievers such as exercise, yoga, meditation, and calming essential oils can help tackle a tinnitus problem brought on by stress.

#4. Remove Earwax:

If you have excessive earwax, this could be a main contributing factor to your tinnitus symptoms. However, be careful when dealing with this – putting q-tips or anything else into your ear to clean it can actually contribute to blockages and damage. If you are worried that you have too much earwax which could be causing a health problem, then speak to your doctor about having it drained.

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

Can Acupuncture Aid with Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a perception of sound in the ear which does not originate from the external environment, from within the body, or from hallucinations. As many as 18% of the general population living in industrialized countries suffer from this condition, with 0.5% of patients reporting that tinnitus has a major effect on their ability to lead a normal and healthy life.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is commonly characterized as a ringing in the ear, and does not have any exact cause. The condition is usually caused by inner ear damage. However, it can also be the result of an infection in the ear, a perforated eardrum, or simply a large build-up of earwax. The condition is often presented with hearing loss, and can persist for many years in some cases. It can lead to other conditions, such as insomnia, lack of focus, and even depression in some patients.

Can Acupuncture Help?

In 2000, a systematic review concluded that so far, research had not demonstrated that acupuncture was an effective treatment for tinnitus. However, some of the studies included in the review used questionable controls, inadequate acupuncture treatments, and many were designed in a cross-over manner that is generally seen as inadequate for evaluating the effectiveness of acupuncture. So, more recent controlled trials carried out since this review have all found that acupuncture can be a source of successful relief from tinnitus, with one study even finding this ancient holistic health technique more effective than traditional Western medicine.

How Acupuncture Can Relieve Tinnitus:

Acupuncture is effective for relieving the symptoms of tinnitus in several different ways. Firstly, it can help to provide relief by acting on the cochlea, and particularly on the contractile activity of the outer hair cells. In addition, acupuncture treatments can also work on the efferent olivocochlear system in the ear; in turn, this will help to suppress any optoacoustic emissions. Acupuncture is also well-known for its ability to reduce inflammation; this is often a common cause of tinnitus and reducing inflammation in and around the ear can help to quickly relieve symptoms. It can also increase local microcirculation, which can help to reduce swelling and inflammation further. Finally, acupuncture can help to relieve the symptoms of tinnitus by altering the brain’s chemistry to increase and reduce the levels of certain neurotransmitters.

Contact the best tinnitus treatment in NYC today to see what we can do for you!

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

Tinnitus Research: Here’s What We Know

Tinnitus Research Here's What We KnowWhat exactly is tinnitus? If you have ever suffered from ringing or other noises in your ears which do not come from the external environment, then you’ve already got an idea of the problem. Although there is no known cause of, or cure for, tinnitus, it can be brought on by a number of factors, including prolonged exposure to loud noises, hearing loss, underlying health conditions, or even for seemingly no reason whatsoever. Here’s what we know about tinnitus so far:

Varying Causes:

Tinnitus can be caused by a number of different factors. In general, it is brought on by age-related hearing loss, however, it can also be caused by an infection in the ear or a build-up of too much earwax, two conditions that can be treated quickly and effectively by your doctor to improve the symptoms and provide relief. In some cases, tinnitus can also be a main symptom of Meniere’s Disease, which tends to show symptoms such as hearing loss and dizzy, spinning sensations that come with a loss of balance.

Diet and Lifestyle:

Some research has shown that tinnitus can be caused or worsened by certain lifestyle habits and choices. For example, smoking or drinking too much alcohol can cause infections in the ear, which can then lead to tinnitus. Dietary habits can also have an effect; eating foods that have a high salt or sugar content can heighten blood pressure, which has been shown to have a direct link with tinnitus. In addition, certain prescription drugs can also directly affect tinnitus. If you are suffering from ringing in your ears and are currently on prescription drugs, speak to your doctor about it as soon as possible.


Unless the tinnitus is caused by an underlying condition such as earwax build-up, hearing loss, a middle ear infection or a perforated eardrum, then it can be very difficult to treat since there is not yet any known cure. However, medical professionals will focus on helping those suffering with tinnitus to better manage their condition. A number of holistic treatments, including acupuncture, have also been shown as effective when it comes to reducing the symptoms. Counseling or therapy may also be sought to help patients discover better coping methods and better manage the side effects of this condition such as insomnia or depression.

Do you need help managing your tinnitus? Contact our NYC tinnitus clinic today to schedule an appointment.

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

The Tinnitus Diet: The Foods That Trigger Tinnitus

If you are suffering from tinnitus, then you might have noticed that some days, it simply gets worse for no apparent reason. If this happens, do you ever stop to think about what you have eaten? Managing your tinnitus can often all come down to eating better and understanding if there are any particular foods which are more likely to trigger it than others. Many foods can have an effect on the symptoms of tinnitus, both positively and negatively. Here’s what not to eat if you suffer from tinnitus.

#1. Fast Foods:

Fast food can be a convenient treat, however, for those with tinnitus it can simply make the symptoms a lot worse. Along with pre-packaged and processed foods, fast food contains a large amount of salt, flavor enhancers, preservatives and saturated fats which are designed to prolong shelf life or enhance the appearance and taste of the products. However, the chemicals used are not food, and can have many undesirable side effects. In general, they tend to negatively affect tinnitus and make the ringing or humming sounds louder.

#2. Salt:

Salt tends to have an immediate effect on tinnitus, which always makes it worse. Consuming too much salt will restrict the blood vessels, increase your blood pressure and reduce the flow of blood to your ears, eyes and brain. As a result, an increase in blood pressure is directly linked to the symptoms of tinnitus being increased. Bear in mind that there are high levels of salt in pre-packaged and processed foods; the best way to avoid this ingredient from worsening your tinnitus is to cook as many meals as you can from scratch so that you can control the salt level.

#3. Sugar:

Everybody knows that eating sugary foods can be bad for your teeth, weight, and overall health. But, did you know that consuming too much sugar can also be one of the main reasons that your tinnitus is getting worse instead of going away? Studies have shown that around 85-90% of people with tinnitus also suffer from a sugar metabolism disorder which is characterized by increased levels of insulin in the bloodstream, causing the body to become less sensitive to insulin and increasing the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Too much sugar can cause an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, which in turn can worsen the symptoms of tinnitus.

The Tinnitus Diet The Foods That Trigger TinnitusAre you struggling to manage your tinnitus? Get in touch with out NYC tinnitus clinic today for helpful advice!

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

The 5 Most Common Causes of Tinnitus

Although the cause of tinnitus is not exactly known, it is thought to be an issue with how the ear hears sounds, along with how the brain interprets them. Tinnitus is generally characterized by a ringing sound within the ear. In many cases, tinnitus is caused by hearing loss or damage to the inner ear, however, around one in three people with this condition do not have an obvious problem with their hearing or ears. Here are the five most common causes of tinnitus.

#1. Inner Ear Damage

More often than not, tinnitus is caused by damage to the inner ear. When we hear sounds, they pass through from the outer to the inner ear, which contains the cochlea and auditory nerve. If part of the cochlea becomes damaged, it may stop sending information to your brain as effectively, which then leads to the brain ‘seeking out’ parts of the cochlea that are still working. As a result, these signals may then become over-represented in the brain, leading to the sounds of tinnitus.

#2. Earwax Build-Up

If you are suffering from tinnitus and do not have any obvious hearing loss problem, nor have suffered any damage to your ear, then this condition could be caused by something as simple as ear-wax build up. A build-up of ear-wax will block the ear, potentially leading to the sounds of tinnitus occurring. Having your ears drained by a medical professional should solve the problem.

#3. Ear Infections

Ear infections can cause temporary damage to the cochlea, leading to tinnitus-like symptoms. If you have been suffering from a cold or the flu, or are prone to ear infections, then this could be the main reason for hearing tinnitus sounds. Thankfully, your doctor should be able to help by prescribing a course of antibiotics.

#4. Meniere’s Disease

This is a condition of the inner ear that brings on sudden attacks of vertigo, pressure inside the ear, hearing loss, and tinnitus. Symptoms can vary from person to person, however, they typically tend to happen all at once and can last minutes or hours. If you think that you may have Meniere’s Disease, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

#5. Perforated Eardrum

A ruptured or perforated eardrum can lead to tinnitus-like symptoms such as a ringing sound in the ear. Although this condition will usually heal by itself within a few weeks, it’s a good idea to see your doctor to prevent infections or further damage.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment for the best tinnitus treatment in NYC.

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

Tinnitus: Is There a Cure?

Tinnitus is a condition that is mainly characterized by hearing ringing, buzzing, humming or hissing sounds in the ear that are not coming from the external environment. Although there is not usually a quick fix for tinnitus, unless it is caused by an easily treatable condition such as a middle ear infection or build-up of earwax, it will usually improve gradually over time. There are a number of treatments for tinnitus available which can help you cope with this condition and better manage the symptoms.

Treating Underlying Conditions:

Firstly, if you are suffering with tinnitus, the best thing to do is speak to your doctor and have them examine your ears to determine whether the condition has been caused by an easily treatable condition. In many cases, tinnitus is a symptom of minor ear issues, such as a perforated ear drum, an infection in the middle ear, or simply a build-up of too much ear wax. If your tinnitus is caused by any one of these conditions, they will usually be easy for your doctor to treat quickly with the appropriate methods, such as a course of antibiotics or earwax draining.

Correcting Hearing Loss:

If you have tinnitus which is mainly caused by age-related hearing loss or otherwise, then dealing with the hearing loss should be the first step to solving the problem. Correcting even minor hearing loss issues can often mean that the parts of your brain which are involved in hearing will no longer need to work as hard when it comes to interpreting sounds; therefore, your brain will not pay as much attention to the tinnitus. The best course of action is to see a hearing specialist who will be able to recommend a suitable course of treatment, such as having a hearing aid fitted or in some cases, surgery.

Counseling and Therapy:

As a continuous condition, tinnitus can often be very disruptive to the life of the patient. Many patients with tinnitus report a lack of focus and concentration due to the sounds that they hear, along with trouble sleeping and in some cases, mental health issues such as depression. Tinnitus counseling can be very useful by helping you to work together with your therapist to understand the condition and find healthy ways of managing and coping with it each day.

Get in touch today to book your appointment for the best tinnitus treatment in New York!

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the term used to describe hearing sounds from inside your body, rather than from an external source. In most cases, tinnitus is characterized as a ringing sound inside the ears, although patients with this condition often report hearing several different sounds, including buzzing, grinding, hissing, whistling, and humming sounds. Some patients can hear sounds which are similar to music, whilst others report hearing noises that tend to beat in time with their pulse, which is known as pulsatile tinnitus. Patients with tinnitus may also notice some hearing loss and extra sensitivity to everyday sounds.

Is Tinnitus Serious?

If you are suffering with tinnitus, then the first thing that you’ll want to know is whether it is a serious condition. Thankfully, tinnitus is rarely a sign of a very serious underlying condition, and the symptoms will tend to go away after a short time for many. However, tinnitus

can sometimes present itself as a continuous condition, which is when it can begin to have a significant impact on the patient’s everyday life. Severe cases of tinnitus can cause a lot of distress, have a huge impact on ability to focus and concentrate, and can lead to difficulty sleeping or depression.

When to See a Doctor:

If you are hearing continuous sounds in one or both ears that shouldn’t be there, then the best advice is to see your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will then be able to examine your ears to determine whether the problem is caused by an easily treatable condition such as an ear infection or perforated eardrum. They will also be able to carry out simple checks to detect any loss of hearing.

What Causes Tinnitus?

There is no known exact cause for tinnitus, however, the condition can develop either gradually over time, or come on suddenly. It often happens with some degree of hearing loss, although some patients with this condition do not report any damage to their hearing. Tinnitus is most often associated with age-related hearing loss, infections in the ear, inner ear damage caused by prolonged exposure to loud noises, build-up of earwax in the ear, or Meniere’s Disease, a condition which causes other symptoms such as vertigo and hearing loss. In some cases, there is no obvious reason for tinnitus to develop.

Do you think that you might be suffering with tinnitus? Contact us today to start your treatment with our NYC tinnitus experts.

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

What Does Tinnitus Sound Like?

What Does Tinnitus Sound Like?Tinnitus is a problem with the ears that is normally characterized as ringing or humming sounds coming from inside the head. Bear in mind that the sounds heard with tinnitus are exclusively heard by the patient, and nobody else. Although there is no known cause for tinnitus, it can be brought on by a number of different reasons, including damage to the inner ear, a middle ear infection, hearing loss, Meniere’s Disease, and more. So, what exactly does tinnitus sound like and how do you know if you are suffering from it?

Ringing in the Ears:

In general, tinnitus will sound like a ringing in the ears. In most cases, this does not persist, for example, in the case of tinnitus which has been brought on by prolonged exposure to loud noises, or if you attend a music festival or gig and experience a ringing sound in your ears when you leave. Most commonly, patients with tinnitus will describe a ringing sound, although the pitch of this can vary and some patients experience a ringing sound that is in line with their pulse; a condition known as pulsatile tinnitus.

What Does Tinnitus Sound Like?Other Sounds:

It’s not just a ringing sound that mainly characterizes tinnitus; many patients also describe hearing a number of other sounds, including a buzzing sound, hissing, whistling, roaring, or even sounds that are described as the release of air, or the sound of running water. Bear in mind that tinnitus is not the same for every patient, including the sounds heard – these can vary greatly depending on a number of factors including the cause of the condition, length, seriousness and more.

Dealing with the Sounds:

No matter which kind of sound you hear in your head or ears, dealing with tinnitus is never a nice experience. If you are currently experiencing a ringing, humming, hissing or other kind of sound coming from your head and not the external environment, then the best thing to do is see your doctor immediately so that they can best determine how to help you deal with the condition. In many cases, tinnitus can be caused by an easily treatable underlying condition such as an infection. If you are struggling to cope with the sounds on a day to day basis, then counseling and therapy can help you find healthy coping mechanisms and ways to manage.

Get in touch today to schedule your appointment with the best tinnitus clinic in NYC!

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

New Treatments for Tinnitus


New Treatments for Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a clinical syndrome that results in symptoms of ringing, roaring, or other sounds in the ear. These sounds are frequently not evident to others (subjective tinnitus,) but may sometimes be heard by a healthcare practitioner, particularly when the sound is the result of damage or abnormality in the blood vessels that supply the ear and the hearing apparatus. Dr. Stephen Geller Katz  leading NYC tinnitus treatment psychotherapist, can advise you about the newest treatments for tinnitus.

Can Tinnitus Be Cured?

Tinnitus can’t be “cured,” but the effects can be minimized through use of several therapies.  Dr.Stephen Geller Katz one of Manhattan’s leading tinnitus treatment psychotherapists, says learning to focus attention somewhere instead of on the sound that characterizes tinnitus is a useful strategy. Some therapies include the application of “white noise,” which tends to distract patients with tinnitus from their focus on the noise they are hearing in their head.

Research Continues for Effective Tinnitus Treatments

A Neuromonics device has been recently introduced for treatment of tinnitus. This device allows an audiologist to match the sound frequency of the patient’s tinnitus to sound generated by the device. Neuromonics tinnitus treatment uses both auditory stimulation of damaged parts of the hearing pathway and techniques for desensitization to tinnitus.

One recent treatment that has been shown to prevent hearing loss that is induced by noise is treatment with a compound that is a precursor of vitamin B3. This therapy has useful implications for prevention of age-related hearing loss, which is a primary cause of tinnitus. The chemical is called nicotinamide riboside, and protects the nerves that transmit sound from the cochlea to the brain.

New Treatments for TinnitusResearchers at Johns Hopkins discovered last year that “hair cells,” which are important to transmission of sounds to the brain, may become disorganized and result in impairment in hearing. This has important implications for treatment of tinnitus, which often results when hearing is impaired.

Low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is currently being studied at different frequencies. Some of these treatments have resulted in statistically significant reductions of tinnitus loudness, but a 2013 review of the treatment by Theodoroff and Folmer found further studies are needed to determine the most effective procedure.

An area of study for treatment of patients with tinnitus is deep brain stimulation. Although studies of neuromodulation by this technique are promising, much more research is needed to prove consistent benefits from this treatment.

Auditory perceptual training may help patients with tinnitus, by changing neural circuitry. Most studies completed thus far have shown that patients report significant improvement in tinnitus after auditory perceptual training.

Current Recommendations: Tinnitus Retraining Therapy and Masking Techniques

Tinnitus treatment psychotherapist, notes that current recommendations for treatment of tinnitus focus on lessening awareness of the symptoms and decreasing the impact of tinnitus on the patient’s quality of life. In patients with tinnitus, any underlying abnormalities should be treated. Patients who have sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus should consider cochlear implantation, which improves tinnitus in 75% of these patients. Biofeedback and cognitive behavioral therapies are currently recommended, in addition to tinnitus retraining therapy.

As many as 80% of patients who undergo tinnitus retraining therapy with counseling and use of a masking technique see significant improvement in their symptoms. Although research continues in the field, newer therapies have not yet shown adequate evidence of effectiveness to replace these modalities of treatment.

New Treatments for TinnitusDr. Stephen Geller Katz is a leading New York City tinnitus treatment psychotherapist, and successfully helps patients minimize the impact of tinnitus on their lives.


Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

Using Alternative Treatments for Tinnitus Treatment

Using Alternative Treatments for Tinnitus TreatmentTinnitus may be the type of condition that warrants medical help. Tinnitus, which is also known as a ringing in the ears, is not an uncommon condition. In some people, it becomes severe enough that it interferes with day to day life. When that happens, it can be time to turn to a trusted professional to learn more about the potential treatment options available to you. When you call our LCSW-R in New York City, you’ll learn more about tinnitus and what can be done about it. One of the ways that we can help you is by providing you with a range of treatments.

What Are Alternative Treatment Options?

The most common traditional medical treatments for tinnitus include the use of sound therapy and medications. However, many people are looking for a more holistic treatment plan and one that will provide better results for their needs. This is when you may want to consider alternative treatments. It is important to know that none of these treatments are going to cure the condition. And, some people may not see improvement from tinnitus from the use of them. Success depends on the underlying cause as well as the overall needs of the patient.

Nevertheless, there may be some help available to people who want to pursue alternative treatments for tinnitus. Some of those may include:

    • Acupuncture – This treatment focuses on improving the flow of energy through the body and is based off of Ancient Chinese methoUsing Alternative Treatments for Tinnitus Treatmentds. Many people find it can be beneficial to improving overall quality of life.
    • Hypnosis – Since tinnitus can often result from the brain’s belief that sounds are present even when they are not, hypnosis may be a treatment option for some people.
    • Supplements – There is some evidence that nutritional deficiencies can cause this condition. Some people may see the benefit of using these as a treatment as well. Some recommendations include B Vitamins, Zinc, and Ginkgo biloba. Speak to your doctor about these supplement options before you take them.

Using Alternative Treatments for Tinnitus TreatmentAlternative treatments for tinnitus can be helpful. However, your first step in treating this condition should be to seek out the help from a trusted LCSW-R in New York City. Let our team get a better understanding of what is causing your symptoms and what can be done about them. You may find that treatment for tinnitus is possible at restoring your quality of life.


Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

Tinnitus Sound Therapy Treatments

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a condition that results in a roaring or a ringing sound in the ear. The sound is generated inside the brain, and some doctors think this occurs when a person experiences hearing loss or other damage to the auditory nerve that carries signals from the outside world into the brain. In the absence of these external signals, the brain creates its own noise, which is experienced as sound by the person who is affected.

The effects of tinnitus vary from person to person. It appears that people who focus on the sound produced as a result of tinnitus are significantly more debilitated by their condition. One technique that has shown exceptional promise to alleviate suffering from tinnitus is sound therapy. Stephen Katz is a top NYC tinnitus treatment psychotherapist, and he

Masking Techniques

Hearing aids are one technique to reduce tinnitus, and they are thought to work by increasing the external signal. When a person with tinnitus is able to “attend,” or pay attention to another signal, the internal noise generated by the brain diminishes. Use of a hearing aid is one type of sound therapy treatment, and the introduction of additional external sound stimulation masks the internal “tinnitus.”

White noise machine provide another useful therapy for masking tinnitus. By training the person with tinnitus to “attend” to the white noise, their focus on the annoying tinnitus is diminished. Stephen Katz, a top Manhattan tinnitus treatment psychotherapist, explains that although these masking techniques are still considered experimental, many patients have reported significant benefits.

What is a Masking Device?

A masking device may be about the same size as a hearing aid. The white noise produced by a masking device is more pleasant than the tinnitus to the person who is experiencing the problem. Some masking devices may include a combination of a hearing aid and white noise. The addition of a hearing aid will enable the person who is being treated to attend to external stimuli from both the environment AND from the white noise. Attention is an important component to consider when treating tinnitus. Stephen Katz, a leading Manhattan tinnitus treatment psychotherapist, uses a variety of training techniques to help patients manage the effects of tinnitus. These effects can be annoying, and they can result in disruptions of all areas of the patient’s life. A white noise machine will produce artificial sound or introduce natural sound into the patient’s ear, and although some patients find it effective, a small number of patients are as disturbed by their masking device as they are by the initial tinnitus that prompted treatment.

What Works Best?

If you have tinnitus, you may have been told that there is no cure for your condition. However, you can certainly adapt to tinnitus, which will greatly improve your ability to live with this problem. Stephen Katz, a tinnitus treatment psychotherapist in NYC, recommends exploration of all clinical modalities for treatment, and he has successfully treated many patients who have experienced a significant reduction in the distress they have as a result of their tinnitus.

If you are suffering from tinnitus, call 646-213-2321 today for your appoint with Stephen Katz, a leading Manhattan tinnitus treatment psychotherapist.

How does hearing work?

BestTinnitusTreatmentNYC1The mechanisms of hearing are complex and our understanding of them is continually evolving. Simplified, the ear translates air movements into nerve impulses sent to the brain. These impulses are then further processed based on things like location to the listener, volume and quality to determine what’s “important” and what can be ignored.

The acoustics of hearing

The intricate process of hearing begins with the ear canal and drum. That little opening in the side of your head has a surprisingly significant impact on how you hear. Like a subwoofer, the canal itself creates resonances which amplify or reduce specific frequencies. This is why even minor blockages can create problems with sound and speech recognition. Voice communications average around the 2000Hz range and the ear canal amplifies this peak. Changes in the shape of this acoustic chamber (as well as changes to the external ear) can alter the location of this peak, causing a distortion in sound.


Figure 1: Amplification in the ear canal

(Musiek, Frank E., Jane A. Baran. The Auditory System: Anatomy, Physiology, and Clinical Correlates. Allyn & Bacon. March 2006. Page 46)

The anatomy of hearing

After air vibrations reach the eardrum, delicate bones transcribe them to the fluid-filled chambers of the inner ear. Similar to tapping the skin of a water balloon, the sound ripples through the perilymph to a second fluid-filled chamber containing endolymph where things get really interesting.

Bathed within the endolymphatic chamber are the hair cells. These marvels of evolution translate fluid vibrations into nerve impulses that get carried to the brain. These hair cells are evolutionally related to neurons, and function in much the same way. The vibration causes change in the intracellular (inside the cell) potassium and calcium levels, releasing neurotransmitters that stimulate electro-chemical impulses down the hearing nerves.

The psychoacoustics of hearing

These afferent (to the brain) nerves carry impulses through the brainstem to the “auditory belt” which decides which signals are important. The “important” signals continue on to the cortices of the brain and our conscious hearing while others – don’t. This is one reason we can locate sound and “tune-out” background noise like ignoring someone else’s conversation at a party. As a part of this process, the brain also sends impulses back to the ear (efferent impulses) which change how the hair cells respond to sound by physically changing their shape and how they respond to ions.

How does anatomy affect tinnitus?BestTinnitusTreatmentNYC4

Considering this elaborate chain of events, it’s easy to see how a hiccup at any point could create noise. It’s also why tinnitus can be so difficult to treat effectively. When an obvious link in the chain is disrupted, for example with acoustic neuroma, the targeting of treatment is relatively straightforward. When it’s more idiopathic (unknown) things become challenging. Research into both the hearing mechanisms and treatments for tinnitus continue. Every day new and amazing discoveries are made although it will be some time before the mysteries of the ear, hearing and balance fully unravel.

If you’re suffering from tinnitus, there is help. We offer the best staff in the New York area for treatment of tinnitus. Contact us for a free consultation!

Top 11 Mind-Body / Body-Mind Symptoms of Tinnitus

Tinnitus Treatment Doctor symptoms of tinnitus p01Top 11 Symptoms Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a condition where people experience a ringing, humming, buzzing, hissing, chirping or cricket-like sound in their ears. Most tinnitus cases begin in middle age or older, however, due to an increase in younger people returning from combat, listening to loud music with unprotected ears in clubs, shows, or through head phones and through earphones, we are seeing a sharp rise in tinnitus among younger people.

With tinnitus there exists a strong mind body-body mind interaction, with one influencing the other in a circular fashion. Here are the common symptoms that you may be experiencing if you have tinnitus. The good news is that Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy helps with practical strategies aimed at re-scripting, reframing and redirecting the negative thoughts that are responsible for maintaining anxiety and tinnitus at higher levels.

Tinnitus Treatment Doctor anxiety p011. Anxiety. Tinnitus sufferers almost always experience mild to severe anxiety because the brain frequently interprets any noise it doesn’t recognize as a potential threat or danger. As a result, the sound signals the brain to feel anxious. The problem is that it is precisely this anxiety that makes the tinnitus worse, creating a classic feedback loop or vicious cycle that is often difficult to break. The interventions of Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy are precisely designed to break this cycle.

Tinnitus Treatment Doctor fight or flight p012. Fight-or-Flight Response. After becoming anxious over a perceived threat, a biochemical cascade of stress hormones are released, creating fight-or-flight response. The most prominent of these is adrenaline. The physiological reaction is a natural response, but its symptoms can be very anxiety provoking. They may include rapid heartbeat, flushing, and trembling. Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy effectively helps to interrupt this response.

Tinnitus Treatment Doctor panic attack p013. Panic Attack/Fears. Sometimes when tinnitus sufferers start having trouble breathing or increased heart rate from anxiety over the fight-or-flight trigger, they begin to worry they are having a heart attack or are going to die. This fear ramps up the anxiety level even more, which increases the tinnitus symptoms. Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy is very effective in preventing the circular thinking, which feeds into the panic attack.

Tinnitus Treatment Doctor Depression p014. Depression. Mild to severe depressive symptoms can be common with tinnitus. People commonly report that the constant noise they experience and the anxiety linked to it causes them socially isolate from people and normal activities. It is usual that you might stop going out to see family and friends, as well as stop doing the things you love to because nothing seems the same anymore. Not being able to do things you love can also cause you to feel depressed. Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy helps you to return to your normal activities. This is a very important part of the healing process because people just want to feel normal again. And anything you can do to feel normal again gives your brain a signal that you are okay. If you begin to feel that you are okay, your brain begins to enter a positive feedback loop! So when it comes down to it, how we define our reality is everything. Or certainly accounts for a big chunk of the puzzle.

tinnitus treatment nyc p015. Negative Thinking/Hopelessness. Untreated, the psychological consequences of ongoing tinnitus frequently produce negative thinking and hopelessness. In fact, some mental health professionals find that negative thinking is one of the principal hallmarks of the condition. Thoughts like, “Things are never going to get any better, my life will never be the same, I don’t have any more pleasure out of life and more…” are very common with tinnitus sufferers. The problem is, thinking hopeless thoughts increases the stress level, which is fuel for the tinnitus and gets you right back onto the negative-thinking feedback loop.

tinnitus treatment nyc p016. Suicidal thoughts. Although the vast majority of tinnitus sufferers aren’t suicidal or try to commit suicide, they may experience morbid or suicidal thoughts. Thoughts could be something like, “If I have to live like this for the next 40 years, I would rather die.” The good news is that you don’t have to live this way for the next 40 years. Tinnitus tends to improve over time and Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy helps by speeding the healing process by helping you to stay out of the emotionally reactive mode, which is responsible for pressing your stress button.

Ringing Ears Tinnitus 07 insomnia p017. Insomnia. One of the main complaints of some tinnitus sufferers is that the condition sometimes affects their ability to sleep. This is a can be a vicious cycle, as the less sleep you get, the higher the tinnitus may increase. The good news is that part of the Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy protocols address many sleep hygiene issues. I personally work with you to develop simple but effective self-hypnosis techniques to help you condition your brain to sleep better. These techniques can also be a big help in slowly tapering off of prescription sleep aids.

Tinnitus Treatment Doctor crying spell p018. Crying spells. Tinnitus sufferers often find they cry at things that never made them cry before. It may be a sad movie or frustrations and fears about the tinnitus itself. Crying spells are also common symptoms of depression. However, left unchecked crying spells may actually exacerbate depressive symptoms. Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy helps you to observe, reframe and rescript thoughts fueling depressive thoughts causing crying spells.

woman with hands on ears9. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). People often feel traumatized by the symptoms of tinnitus. As a result, tinnitus itself may also cause symptoms of PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder). As previously stated, the brain automatically interprets the perceived sound as a danger, triggering the production of stress hormones including adrenalin. The repeated cycle causes fight or flight jitteriness or anxiety or panic attacks. In other words, the brain and body are responding as if the danger were real. Similarly, persons with PTSD will respond to things that aren’t threats, as potentially dangerous situations. They may be easily startled, worry constantly, feel that they are dwelling or obsessing about things and/or experience anticipatory anxiety and bad dreams.

Ringing ears doctor nyc 10 exhaustion p0210. Exhaustion. Tinnitus sufferers experience exhaustion because of several reasons. One is the lack of sleep, which sometimes accompanies tinnitus. Another cause of exhaustion is the release of hormones your body produces in moments of anxiety, during a panic attack, PTSD, or during a fight-or-flight trigger. The adrenal response, and the body’s biochemical efforts to counterbalance the adrenaline leaves you feeling drained. Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy helps retrain the brain, so that over time the adrenal stress induced response to the tinnitus is greatly reduced or eliminated.

Ringing Ears Tinnitus 07 insomnia p0211. Difficulty resting. The body’s natural response to stress caused by the tinnitus may result in lack of rest and sleep. If untreated, the stress, anxiety, and lack of rest may get worse, and a vicious cycle begins. TCRT utilizes some simple, effective self-hypnosis techniques to help the brain relax and get to sleep. Over time TCRT will help to break the cycle by retraining the brain not to perceive the noise as a threat, resulting in more restful sleep.

Tinnitus Cognitive Center

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street
Penthouse Floor
New York, NY 10001

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