Are you Suffering from any of these symptoms as a result of Tinnitus? Call Today for a Consultation.

    Mild to severe anxiety
    Triggered fight or flight

  Negative thinking
  Crying spells

  Suicidal thoughts
  Ringing in the ears

Do you feel your family and friends don’t understand?
Are you growing more isolated?
Do you feel like life will never be the same?
Are you refraining from activities that you enjoy?
Are you fearful of losing your job?
Do you find that your thoughts tend to be negative?

If you answered yes to 3 or more of these questions or symptoms, then we can help.

You may be a candidate for Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy, or TCRT.  Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, with over 20 years of clinical experience, a New York University graduate, developed Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy and founded Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ in response to the growing number of Tinnitus sufferers coming to his private practice. He discovered that by helping people to retrain and reinterpret the thoughts around their Tinnitus, anxiety and depression symptoms began to improve. But even more important so did the Tinnitus.

Call us at (646) 213-2321 for a consultation.

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Category Archives: Tinnitus Treatment

Technology in Tinnitus Treatment: Innovations and Trends

What is the role of technology in tinnitus treatment and the latest innovations and emerging trends that offer hope and relief to those living with this condition? Tinnitus, characterized by the perception of sound when no external source is present, can be a challenging condition to manage. However, advancements in technology have opened up new possibilities for innovative and effective treatment approaches.

Technology in Tinnitus Treatment

Technology-Driven Tinnitus Treatments

The integration of technology into tinnitus treatment has led to several promising approaches:

Hearing Aids:

Modern hearing aids are equipped with advanced technology, such as directional microphones and noise reduction algorithms. They not only enhance your ability to hear external sounds but also help mask and manage tinnitus.

Sound Therapy Apps:

Numerous smartphone apps offer customizable sound therapy options. These apps provide a wide range of soothing sounds, allowing users to find the sounds that work best for masking their tinnitus.

Neuromodulation Devices:

Neuromodulation devices, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), use electromagnetic fields or low electrical currents to modulate brain activity and reduce tinnitus perception.

Customized Sound Generators:

Some tinnitus specialists use customized sound generators to create precisely tailored sounds that match a patient’s tinnitus frequency. These devices can be worn discreetly and provide relief by masking the tinnitus.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Apps:

Mobile apps and online platforms offer CBT-based programs that guide individuals through cognitive restructuring and relaxation exercises to help manage the emotional aspects of tinnitus.

Technology in Tinnitus Treatment: Emerging Trends

Several emerging trends in technology-driven tinnitus treatment hold promise for the future:

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

AI-powered algorithms can analyze tinnitus-related data, such as sound profiles and treatment responses, to provide personalized and adaptive treatment plans.

Virtual Reality (VR):

VR technology can create immersive and therapeutic environments that distract individuals from tinnitus, providing an innovative approach to sound therapy.

Telehealth Services:

The growth of telehealth services allows individuals to access tinnitus specialists and treatment options remotely, increasing accessibility and convenience.

Biometric Monitoring:

Wearable devices equipped with biometric sensors can track physiological responses to tinnitus, providing valuable insights into treatment effectiveness.

The Specialist’s Role

While technology plays a pivotal role in tinnitus treatment, the expertise of a specialist is crucial. Tinnitus treatment specialists, like Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, can assess your unique needs, recommend appropriate technology-driven interventions, and provide guidance throughout your treatment journey. Embracing these innovations and seeking expert guidance can lead to significant improvements in tinnitus management and overall well-being.

Contact Information

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™
Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
Phone: 646-213-2321

All sessions are conducted online.
Dr. Katz speaks 5 languages.

Best Tinnitus Treatments: Cognitive Retraining vs. Behavioral Therapy

Best Tinnitus Treatment specialist Top US UK Brazil MX Multi Lingual OnlineWhat are the best tinnitus treatments? Living with tinnitus can be a daily struggle, with the constant noise in your ears affecting not only your hearing but also your quality of life. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available, including Cognitive Retraining Therapy (CRT) and Behavioral Therapy, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). In this guide, we will help you understand the differences between these two approaches and guide you in choosing the right tinnitus treatment that suits your unique needs.

Understanding Tinnitus and Its Impact

Tinnitus is characterized by the perception of sound when no external source is present, often manifesting as ringing, buzzing, or humming in the ears. It’s essential to recognize that tinnitus’s effects extend beyond the auditory realm, affecting your mental and emotional well-being. The relentless nature of tinnitus can lead to anxiety, depression, and reduced quality of life.

Cognitive Retraining Therapy (CRT): A Unique Approach

Cognitive Retraining Therapy (CRT) takes a distinctive cognitive approach to tinnitus treatment. It focuses on retraining your brain’s perception of sound, acknowledging that tinnitus often arises from the brain’s response to the condition rather than solely from auditory input.

Understanding Auditory Habituation

CRT starts by identifying and understanding auditory habituations—automatic responses of the brain to persistent sounds. In individuals with tinnitus, these habituations can lead to heightened emotional responses, such as anxiety or frustration.

Retraining Auditory Perception

With the guidance of a CRT specialist, like Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, CRT aims to retrain your brain’s perception of auditory stimuli. This process involves desensitizing your brain to the tinnitus sounds, shifting your response from distress to acceptance.

Customized Treatment Plans

CRT recognizes that each tinnitus experience is unique. Therefore, personalized treatment plans are crafted to address your specific needs and challenges, ensuring that you receive a tailored approach to your journey toward tinnitus management.

Best Tinnitus Treatments 2024

Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A Proven Approach

Behavioral Therapy, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), is a well-established approach in treating various mental health conditions, including tinnitus. It primarily addresses the emotional and psychological aspects of tinnitus by modifying negative thought patterns and behaviors.

Identifying Negative Thought Patterns

CBT sessions, often led by experienced therapists like Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, commence with identifying the negative thought patterns associated with tinnitus. These patterns may include catastrophic thinking, where individuals believe the worst possible outcomes related to their tinnitus, or rumination, where they continually dwell on the sound.

Challenging and Restructuring Thoughts

Once these negative thought patterns are identified, CBT equips you with strategies to challenge and restructure them. Clients learn techniques to replace anxious or pessimistic thoughts with more balanced and realistic ones. Over time, this process helps reduce the emotional distress associated with tinnitus, offering a profound sense of control.

Behavioral Techniques

CBT for tinnitus can also incorporate various behavioral techniques, including relaxation exercises, mindfulness practices, and stress-reduction strategies. These holistic approaches not only alleviate tinnitus-related distress but also enhance overall mental well-being.

Choosing the Best Tinnitus Treatments: Contact a Specialist

The choice between Cognitive Retraining Therapy (CRT) and Behavioral Therapy (CBT) depends on your individual needs and preferences. CRT focuses on retraining auditory perception and may be particularly effective if you believe that your tinnitus is primarily driven by your brain’s response to the condition. On the other hand, CBT addresses negative thought patterns and behaviors and may be suitable if you’re looking to manage the emotional distress associated with tinnitus.

To make an informed decision, consult with a specialist like Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, who can assess your unique situation and recommend the most appropriate treatment approach. Whichever path you choose, rest assured that effective tinnitus management is within reach, offering you the prospect of a quieter and more peaceful life.

Contact Information

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™
Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R

All sessions are conducted online.

Finding Relief: How a Tinnitus Treatment Specialist Can Help You

Tinnitus Treatment Specialist 2024In this guide, we will explore how a tinnitus treatment specialist can provide you with the guidance, support, and effective strategies needed to find relief and regain control over your life. Tinnitus, characterized by the persistent perception of sound when no external source is present, can be an overwhelming and often distressing condition. The constant noise in your ears can disrupt your daily life and well-being, but you don’t have to face it alone.

Understanding the Complexity of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is not a one-size-fits-all condition. Its causes, symptoms, and impact can vary significantly from person to person. Some may experience tinnitus as a mild annoyance, while others may find it profoundly disruptive. Understanding the complexity of tinnitus is the first step toward effective management.

The Role of a Tinnitus Treatment Specialist

A tinnitus treatment specialist, such as Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, is a trained professional with expertise in diagnosing and treating tinnitus. These specialists play a crucial role in helping individuals like you navigate the challenges of tinnitus and find relief. Here’s how they can assist you:

Accurate Diagnosis:

Tinnitus specialists can accurately diagnose the underlying causes and contributing factors of your tinnitus, which is essential for developing an effective treatment plan.

Personalized Treatment Plans:

No two cases of tinnitus are the same. A specialist can create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of your condition.

Access to Advanced Therapies:

Tinnitus treatment specialists have access to the latest therapies and technologies designed to provide relief. They can recommend treatments such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Cognitive Retraining Therapy (CRT), hearing aids, or sound therapy, based on your unique situation.

Emotional Support:

Tinnitus often leads to emotional distress, including anxiety and depression. Specialists can offer emotional support and teach coping strategies to help you manage these challenges effectively.

Education and Guidance:

Understanding your condition is a key part of finding relief. Specialists can educate you about tinnitus, its causes, and the available treatment options, empowering you to make informed decisions about your care.

Top Tinnitus Specialist

Why Choose Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R?

Selecting the right tinnitus treatment specialist is crucial to your journey toward relief. Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, is a highly experienced tinnitus treatment specialist with a wealth of knowledge and a compassionate approach. He combines expertise in therapies like CBT and CRT with a deep understanding of the emotional impact of tinnitus, ensuring comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs.

Contact Us for Tinnitus Relief

Don’t let tinnitus continue to disrupt your life. With the guidance of a tinnitus treatment specialist, you can find relief, regain control, and look forward to a future filled with quieter and more peaceful days. If you’re ready to take the first step toward tinnitus relief, reach out to the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ today. Contact Stephen Katz to schedule a consultation. All sessions are conducted online, providing you with convenience and accessibility in your quest for relief.

Contact Information

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™
Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
Phone: 646-213-2321

All sessions are conducted online
Dr. Katz speaks 5 languages

Holistic Approaches to Tinnitus Treatment: From Acupuncture to Sound Therapy

What are some examples of holistic tinnitus treatment? Living with tinnitus can be a frustrating and isolating experience. While there is currently no cure for the condition, there are many treatment options available to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. One approach that has gained popularity in recent years is holistic medicine, which looks at the whole person rather than just treating isolated symptoms. In this blog post, we will explore some of the holistic approaches to tinnitus treatment and how they can benefit those living with the condition.


Holistic Tinnitus Treatment-acupuntureAcupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. The goal is to stimulate the body’s natural healing process and promote overall wellness. For those with tinnitus, acupuncture can be used to reduce stress and anxiety, which are common triggers for tinnitus symptoms. It may also help to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation in the ear, which can contribute to tinnitus.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy involves the use of specific sounds or tones to help manage tinnitus symptoms. This can include listening to white noise, music, or nature sounds. The goal is to provide a distraction from the tinnitus and promote relaxation. Some sound therapy techniques also involve retraining the brain to focus on external sounds rather than the internal tinnitus noise. This can help to reduce the perception of tinnitus and improve quality of life.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a practice that involves focusing on the present moment and accepting thoughts and feelings without judgment. It has been shown to be effective in reducing stress and anxiety, which can contribute to tinnitus symptoms. Mindfulness meditation can also help to improve focus and attention, which can be difficult for those with tinnitus.

Holistic Tinnitus Treatments-meditation

Dietary Changes

Certain foods and supplements have been shown to have a positive impact on tinnitus symptoms. For example, magnesium and zinc are important nutrients for ear health and may help to reduce tinnitus symptoms. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and flaxseed, can also have anti-inflammatory properties that may benefit those with tinnitus. Additionally, reducing caffeine and alcohol intake may help to reduce tinnitus symptoms.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can be beneficial for those with tinnitus. It may also help to improve blood flow and reduce tension in the neck and shoulders, which can contribute to tinnitus symptoms. A skilled massage therapist can tailor the massage to focus on specific areas that may be contributing to tinnitus symptoms.

Holistic Tinnitus Treatment: Conclusion

In conclusion, while there is no cure for tinnitus, there are many holistic approaches that can help to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Acupuncture, sound therapy, mindfulness meditation, dietary changes, and massage therapy are just a few examples of the many options available. By taking a holistic approach to tinnitus treatment, individuals can address the whole person rather than just treating isolated symptoms. If you or a loved one are living with tinnitus, consider exploring some of these options to find the treatment plan that works best for you.

If you are looking for a tinnitus treatment specialist, consider Stephen Geller Katz LCSW at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™. Dr. Katz is a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in tinnitus treatment using cognitive-behavioral therapy and other evidence-based approaches. All sessions are online and Dr. Katz speaks 5 languages.

Call Stephen Katz LCSW-R at 646-213-2321 today to schedule a consultation.

Top Tinnitus Treatments

What are the top tinnitus treatments? While many would think that the ringing they hear in their ears is nothing too serious, that unfortunately may not be the case. This ringing that people hear in their ears is called tinnitus, and it sometimes it is a symptom of a much larger health concern.

Top tinnitus treatments USA UK EURO

Therefore, even if it does not seem serious, you need to be careful and look for more effective methods to treat it before it worsens with time. Fortunately, professionals have worked on many treatment options for tinnitus, including the symptom itself or the underlying health concern.

What are the Symptoms of Tinnitus?

Tinnitus has very obvious symptoms, but it can also be very personal. Often the ringing that people hear is unique to their ears, and no one else can hear it. It can usually happen when the small hairs in your inner ears undergo damage.

Due to the subjective nature of tinnitus, people can also be hesitant to tell others about what they are experiencing. Luckily, physicians have definitive ways of checking if a person has tinnitus and its severity. And depending on what they find, they will be able to recommend different treatment options.

Treatment Options for Tinnitus

Getting treatment for tinnitus is rarely ever simple, as physicians must first go through the proper process of diagnosing the situation. Therefore, treatment options can vary widely depending on the type of tinnitus a person has and their underlying medical condition. However, some very popular treatment options for tinnitus include the following:

Using Hearing Aids

Individuals who lose their hearing due to old age or loud noises can greatly benefit from hearing aids. These hearing aids can help reduce the ringing resulting from hearing loss.

Removing Ear Wax

The body naturally produces ear wax to protect the opening of the ears from dust and dirt. However, if the ear canal accumulates too much of it, it will likely affect the individual’s ability to hear clearly. Of course, you should only try to remove the wax using a q tip. Instead, it would help if you visited a professional who can safely clean out your ears.

Suppress the Excess Noise

People with tinnitus often face the most difficulty sleeping since there are no external voices to help mask the sound. Therefore, they will need to properly mask their tinnitus sound using various other types of soothing sounds. White noise machines often have various sounds that can help an individual sleep with tinnitus. You can also find unique headphones designed for people to wear when they sleep since they do not hurt the inside of their ears.

Best top tinnitus treatments

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is one of the most important treatment solutions individuals can get since it focuses on treating tinnitus symptoms through counseling and sound masking techniques. You will likely go to an audiologist specializing in treating conditions like tinnitus.

They will give you a masking device to wear while offering counsel. Not only are they trying to help relieve symptoms in the short term, but they are also helping an individual’s ears block out the noise. The treatment will also help you better manage your feelings when dealing with those symptoms.

Top Tinnitus Treatments: Conclusion

Tinnitus can be a very serious issue for many individuals, as it can greatly affect their lives. But with the right diagnosis and treatment options, people can learn to manage their symptoms and live normal lives again. With more than 20 years of experience of providing Tinnitus Retraining Therapy TRT, Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW R at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ in New York, can surely help you with your condition.

Give us a call for an online consultation today.

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™
Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R

Best Ways to Manage Tinnitus

What are the best ways to manage tinnitus? Tinnitus can be a difficult condition to both diagnose and treat, especially since a physician can never say with any guarantee how long it will last. Despite extensive research in the field, a lot about this condition remains unknown, which makes a proper diagnosis all the more difficult.

Best Ways to Manage Tinnitus

Since tinnitus could be a symptom of an underlying condition,  physicians must consider various factors before recommending any treatment. So if you currently hear a ringing in your ear from time to time, you don’t have to struggle continuously. Instead, you can better manage your condition by following these tips.

Ways to Better Manage Your Tinnitus

One of the best ways to better manage your tinnitus is by finding out the many things that could trigger it. By understanding these smaller triggers, you can learn how to manage your condition better. Here are a few ways that you can better manage it:

Try to Get More Sleep

One of the few major reasons people hear a ringing in their ears is that they do not get enough rest. Sleep deficiency can lead to a vicious cycle of people not being able to sleep due to tinnitus, depriving them of valuable sleep, which then worsens tinnitus symptoms.

One of the ways that people try to manage their tinnitus to get more sleep is by playing soothing or masking sounds to cancel out the ringing in the ear. These soothing sounds could be of waves, nature, or even of white noise.

Allow Yourself to Relax

Sometimes, the only thing that makes tinnitus worse is you keep thinking about it. Constant stress is also a major contributor to this condition, as the stress could make the blood vessels less elastic. These blood vessels can transfer blood much faster, increasing the ear’s ringing.

It would help if you considered looking into Yoga, meditation, or any other recreational activity that can help you feel more at ease. Listening to music can also be a good way to relax, but avoid using ear plugs that go into the ear and loud volume.

Get Effective Hearing Protection

Another popular trigger for tinnitus includes loud noises, regardless of where they come from. Even if the loud noise is music, like at a concert, then it is very likely that you will hear a sharp ringing during or after the event.

In these specific instances, you must get effective hearing protection. From noise canceling headphones to earplugs, whatever can comfortably block out loud sounds can help you avoid tinnitus from resurfacing.

Best Ways to Manage Tinnitus TRT

Reduce Consumption of Alcohol and Caffeine

Tinnitus can also be temporary, usually due to high blood pressure. Therefore, you should avoid consuming things that could spike your blood pressure. Caffeine and alcohol are infamous for increasing blood pressure to a dangerous degree, which could lead to a ringing in your ear.

If you depend on caffeine to help you get through the day, you should consult a physician on how to move away from it slowly.

Stop Smoking

Aside from the different ways that smoking can affect the body, it can also lead to people experiencing serious hearing loss. Smoking can also cause coughing fits, putting a lot of pressure on the inner ears.

Try Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

Tinnitus retraining therapy aims to make slightly better improvements of the reactions made because of the links between the autonomic nervous system and limbic system. Its goal is to make the person suffering from Tinnitus habituate to the sounds and perceptions its brain is making. The Tinnitus retraining therapy involves several techniques that can achieve this.

Learn more about TRT here:

Best Ways to Manage Tinnitus: Conclusion

Tinnitus is an unfortunately common occurrence in individuals. Some can have it for just a short time, but others experience it as a persistent problem. Following these tips and effectively managing triggers for tinnitus can help you live a more comfortable life.

Stephen Geller Katz at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ in New York, has over 20 years of experience providing excellent tinnitus retraining therapy. Visit us in person or give us a call today.

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™
Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R

Latest Data on Tinnitus

What is some of the latest data on tinnitus? Many people, especially adults, experience the tinnitus symptoms. In fact, an estimated number of 3.4 million people suffer from tinnitus. Not to forget, 56.1 percent of these adults are experiencing tinnitus for more than 5 years. On the other hand, tinnitus is affecting the remaining for over 15 years.

Latest Data on Tinnitus

While tinnitus can affect people of all ages, adults mostly fall victim to this hearing condition. You can notice a direct correlation between increased severity of symptoms and people over the age of 51. Let’s see what tinnitus really is and whether you need to see a doctor for your tinnitus.

What is Tinnitus?

Simply put, tinnitus is a hearing condition that affects a person’s ability to hear a sound that has no external source. Normally, we are able to hear and recognize sounds when a certain thing in our surrounding environment sends sound waves towards our eardrums.

However, people suffering from tinnitus can hear sounds that do not have an external source. Many people happen to hear a ringing sound in their head whereas others also experience sounds like roaring, chirping, hissing, whistling, and humming, etc.

If you’re suffering from tinnitus, you might hear such sounds in one or both your ears, or even inside your head. Some with tinnitus can hear a sound coming from a distance. The sound(s) can be intermittent, constant, or pulsating. In fact, the symptom can vary from person to person.

More often than not, symptoms of tinnitus are very subjective but it can also be objective at times. This means that other people are also able to hear your tinnitus with you. For example, you might be hearing a whooshing sound in case you have a heart murmur. So, your doctors can hear such tinnitus with the help of a stethoscope.

One common type of tinnitus is pulsatile tinnitus that normally affects older adults. Pulsatile tinnitus is characterized by a heartbeat in the ears that usually becomes more prominent and noticeable during the night. In case you experience pulsatile tinnitus in your bed at night, consult a doctor for a tinnitus checkup. This type of tinnitus in older people can also be a sign of blood vessel damage or even a tumor.

What Causes Tinnitus?

Although tinnitus can affect people for long periods of time, almost everyone experiences it at some point of their life. You may experience symptoms of tinnitus for a short time after you’re exposed to loud noise, like at a concert or a party. This type of short term tinnitus can go on for 2 to 3 days.

Latest Data on Tinnitus

Other common causes for tinnitus are:

Hearing Loss

Your inner ears have small hair cells called cochlea that move when met with sound waves. As your ear receives sound waves and movement of cochlea takes place, ears send electrical signals along the auditory nerve towards your brain. You are finally able to hear when the brain interprets these signals. Tinnitus can be a symptom of hearing loss if you have a broken or bent cochlea.

Ear canal blockage or infection

Ear canal blockage and ear infection can both contribute to tinnitus. Cerumen or fluid buildup from an ear infection can block your ear canal creating pressure in your ear. As a result, you might experience symptoms of tinnitus.

Head and neck injuries

Oftentimes, an injury of the head or neck can damage your ear and associated parts and functions. It can affect your inner ear, brain function that is linked to hearing, and auditory nerves. Such injuries can lead to tinnitus, usually in one ear only.


Tinnitus can also be a result of certain medications. Various medications can trigger or worsen tinnitus, especially in case of high doses. These medicines normally include NSAIDs, diuretics, antibiotics, antidepressants, and cancer drugs.

Latest Data on Tinnitus: Bottom Line

Although tinnitus does not indicate a serious health risk in most cases, it can also be associated with nerve damage or tumor. Therefore, it is important to seek professional medical help if your symptoms of tinnitus prevail longer than a few days.

If you’re looking for the top tinnitus treatment specialist in New York, speak with  Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™. Dr. Katz possesses over 20 years of clinical patient experience and provides excellent Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy.

Call Dr. Katz and schedule an online tele-session today:

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street
Penthouse Floor
New York, NY 10001

Common Treatments for Tinnitus

What are some common treatments for tinnitus? Tinnitus is a hearing condition that affects millions of people all around the world. In the US alone, 50 million adults suffer from tinnitus. While tinnitus can affect people of all ages, it is most common among adults older than 50 years of age.

Common Treatments for Tinnitus

Moreover, adults usually experience the chronic form of tinnitus due to several aging related health conditions. In fact, various studies reveal that more than half of the adults affected by tinnitus have been experiencing tinnitus sounds for over 5 years.

Tinnitus Diagnosis and Treatment

Your medical professional will typically run a diagnosis based on your symptoms. However, tinnitus can also often be a sign of underlying health conditions. So your doctor might also conduct the following tests:

  • Hearing exam: Hearing loss is the most common cause of tinnitus, so a hearing test can help identify that.
  • Movement: Lips, tongue, or jaw disorders can also cause tinnitus. Movement tests can help identify underlying disorders that need treatment.
  • Imaging: If your doctor suspects a certain cause, they may need imaging tests such as CT or MRI scans.
  • Labs: Drawing and testing blood is essential to look for thyroid problems, anemia, or vitamin deficiencies.

Tinnitus treatment typically depends on the cause behind your tinnitus. Common treatments include:

  • Earwax removal: Cerumen (earwax) buildup can trigger tinnitus for many, so removal can prove significant.
  • Treating blood vessels: Damaged, bent or hardened vessels can lead to tinnitus in one or both ears. So, treatment of blood vessels can largely help address your tinnitus problem.
  • Hearing aids: Hearing aids may help if your tinnitus is a result of age related or noise induced hearing loss.
  • Changing medications: tinnitus can also often be a side effect of certain medications, such as cancer drugs. Changing the medication should ease tinnitus in such cases.


Sound Therapy

There are four general mechanisms of sound therapy that work to suppress tinnitus sounds:

  • Masking: Masking is a form of sound therapy that uses sound maskers to cover up or ‘mask’ the sounds of tinnitus.
  • Distraction: Distraction uses pleasant external sounds to distract a person from tinnitus sounds.
  • Habituation: The practice of habituation trains the mind to disregard tinnitus sounds as unimportant noise.
  • Neuromodulation: Neuromodulation also makes use of specialized external sounds that rewire the brain to minimize neural hyperactivity.


Counseling refers to behavioral treatment options that help affected people in coping and live with tinnitus. It seeks to change the way a person thinks about tinnitus, reducing anxiety and stress associated with stress. This way, tinnitus sounds no longer affect your productivity, mood, or concentration.

Best Common Treatments for Tinnitus

Common options include:

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

Tinnitus retraining therapy is a personalized treatment program that requires brilliant cooperation between a medical professional and the patient. TRT uses a combination of treatment methods such as sound therapies and counseling from trained professionals. Over time, tinnitus becomes less annoying and debilitating through tinnitus retraining therapy.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy is another form of counseling that involves a licensed mental health professional helping you cope with tinnitus. The medical professional counsels and teaches techniques that can make the symptoms of tinnitus less noticeable and bothersome.

Common Treatments for Tinnitus: Conclusion

Tinnitus is a hearing related condition in which a person perceives sounds that do not exist in the external world. Constant ringing in the ears can have various adverse effects on the quality of life. So, seeking medical help can prove significant in enjoying life again.

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ in New York has over 20 years of experience in providing excellent TRT. Schedule a convenient online session with Dr. Katz today.

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street
Penthouse Floor
New York, NY 10001

Call today for a consultation

Tinnitus Sound Therapy

You may benefit from tinnitus sound therapy to help manage and treat your tinnitus symptoms. Tinnitus is a sound disorder that involves ringing, buzzing, and similar types of sensations in one or both of the ears of the affected person. It is a common medical problem that affects millions of people every year. It’s a fact that tinnitus usually affects older people because they are vulnerable to an array of health problems and disorders.

Tinnitus Sound Therapy & Treatments

Tinnitus is a persistent condition that is rarely curable through constant treatment. If you have tinnitus, you might already know that ringing or buzzing sensations can be frequent and intermittent. Moreover, they vary in loudness from high to low pitches. When the sensations or tinnitus noises occur in sync with your pulse, experts regard it as pulsatile tinnitus.

However, many treatment options aim to reduce the adversity and impact of the noises that occur due to tinnitus. They aim to alleviate the discomfort due to tinnitus. Nonetheless, we will focus primarily on tinnitus sound therapy in this article.

What Conditions & Illnesses Can Lead to Tinnitus?

Here are some of the most general causes of tinnitus that also include health conditions:

  • Meniere’s disease damages the inner parts of the ears, which may lead to tinnitus.
  • Specific kinds of prescription drugs and medication also hurt cardiovascular health and parts of the ear, which leads to the manifestation of tinnitus symptoms.
  • Excessive ear wax buildup can cause infections and in rare cases, benign tumors, which usually affect the auditory nerves. This causes irregular electric impulses to the brain resulting in tinnitus.
  • Elderly people are susceptible to a high range of health problems as their body cells and organs weaken. The same goes for healthy parts of the inner and middle ears.
  • Stiffening of the minute bones in the inner ear (otosclerosis) leads to tinnitus since the sound conduction no longer remains efficient.
  • Injuries to sensitive parts of the head and neck can lead to deterioration of the blood vessels within. Hence, there are high chances of experiencing tinnitus and tinnitus episodes.
  • High blood pressure and cholesterol disorders can weaken blood vessels which damage the sound-sensitive organs in the ear.

Tinnitus Sound Therapy

Currently, there is no permanent cure to treat tinnitus or any of its rare or common types. Nearly all treatment options emerge from the field of ENT and pertain to reducing the symptomatic effects of tinnitus and associated health problems. However, among the various types of treatments and remedial approaches to tinnitus, sound therapy is one of the most sought-after and successful practices.

The first thing to know about tinnitus sound therapy is that it involves an expert audiologist who can handle and deal with multiple hearing and audio devices. These include hearing aids, masking devices, noise-blocking devices, and similar types of machines.

Tinnitus is an internal sound that occurs due to musculoskeletal and cardiovascular movements. Hence, it produces non-auditory sounds. Therefore, counteracting the noise symptoms of tinnitus with the use of external sound devices can help. To sum up sound therapy for tinnitus, you should know that your doctor will instruct you to wear the most effective noise blocking or reducing device in conjunction with relieving and directive counseling.

While sound masking devices will block unwanted external noises and tinnitus sounds to allow you to focus, directive counseling will enable you to conduct a transparent and non-bothersome thought process with as little awareness of the tinnitus issues as possible. Often, experts suggest that you use external sound devices to drown out the tinnitus sounds, making them seem less disturbing. This could include sounds of rain, wind, and others.

Top Tinnitus Sound Therapy Specialist

Mechanisms of Actions for Tinnitus Using Sound Therapy

There are 4 primary action mechanisms in the tinnitus sound therapy treatment. Here are all 4 of them in a brief and comprehensible manner.


This involves the doctor or audiologist exposing you to external sounds. These sounds are loud enough to cover the tinnitus noises of a person, either partially or entirely.


This mechanism refers to the distraction that the external sound causes, making the patient less aware of the tinnitus sounds.


This is a form of directive therapy that aims to reclassify tinnitus sounds in the brain of the patient. Accurate guidance helps patients overlook tinnitus noises such as ringing or buzzing as neural signals.


This is a complex mechanism that involves using specialized sounds to reduce neural hyperactivity that experts believe is the origin of tinnitus.

Tinnitus Sound Therapy: Conclusion

If you are in search of the best tinnitus specialist near you, contact Tinnitus Cognitive Center™. Dr. Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, provides individualized attention to all his patients and caters to the treatment of different ENT disorders, including tinnitus and its rare types.

To schedule an easy, online tele-appointment with us, call 646-213-2321. We offer compassionate and reliable healthcare services to all the patients seeking to alleviate the stress and anxiety caused by sound disorders such as tinnitus.


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Tinnitus Treatment Options

What are the most effective tinnitus treatment options? Many people misinterpret tinnitus as a disease, but it’s actually a symptom. Tinnitus is the unpleasant clicking, ringing, and hissing sound you feel in your ear. At times, it can get very hard to control and makes you feel uncomfortable. Tinnitus also links to many hearing issues, making it difficult for you to hear properly. Tinnitus treatments include a variety of different behavioral, electronic, and medical therapies. It’s always best to consult with your physician before opting for any treatments. Mentioned below are the different Tinnitus treatment options available.

Tinnitus Treatment Options

Different Tinnitus Treatment Options

1.     Behavioral Therapy

The intensity of tinnitus people experience has a lot to do with their emotions. This explains why it is so important to control your emotions to relieve the tingling sound due to tinnitus. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the best way to get a hold of your emotions, thereby controlling tinnitus. A common name for this is talk therapy, which helps people accept the disturbing sound they hear. Instead of getting rid of the sound, the therapy involves learning how to live with it. At the same time, it helps control your stress levels.

Psychological disorders like depression and anxiety are common among people suffering from tinnitus. These conditions make the symptoms worse and vice versa. Hence, it’s important to control it using CBT. You will have professional therapists overlooking this treatment procedure, and within a few weeks, you will feel less irritable in response to different sounds.

2.     Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy (TCRT)

Tinnitus retraining therapy is another treatment option. It involves a professional audiologist conducting the therapy. These treatments involve wearing a sound masking device and receiving counseling from a professional. As you hear different sounds, the professional will guide and counsel you through it. The purpose of this treatment is to reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety you experience upon hearing disturbing sounds.

3.     Hearing Aids

Tinnitus links with hearing loss as it is one of the symptoms of this condition. To revive your hearing ability, it is best to use a hearing aid. When you suffer from hearing loss, the brain starts perceiving sound frequencies in different ways. For this, a hearing aid is necessary. This device comes with an amplifier, speaker, and microphone. The brain is able to process sounds differently thanks to neuroplastic changes in the instrument. According to a report in The Hearing Review, around 60% of people experiencing tinnitus received relief thanks to the use of a hearing aid.

4.     Medications

Numerous antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs can help reduce tinnitus symptoms, giving you some sort of relief. Your doctor can prescribe most of these medications.

Top Tinnitus Treatment Options

5.     White Noise Machines

White noise sound machines are a unique way to treat tinnitus. They do so by producing static and environmental sounds such as sea breeze or waves. These sounds provide a sense of calmness and drown any disturbing noise.

6.     Sound-Masking Devices

To reduce the sounds of tinnitus, you can use sound-making devices. This is an electronic tabletop device that plays sounds like nature’s noises, white noise, or any other ambient sounds. These sounds are louder than the static people may hear due to tinnitus. The purpose behind this is to eradicate the sounds slowly.  Some people also fit these devices in the ear for better sound exposure.

7.     Physical Activity

With tinnitus, it is common to experience a decline in well-being, and it only gets worse. This is why it is crucial to maintain your overall well-being. The best way to do that is by engaging in daily physical activity via a consistent exercise routine. This will help you keep tinnitus-induced symptoms, such as anxiety, depressive mood, and stress, under control. It also allows you to sleep better and stay fit to fight off tinnitus.

Other Treatments

  • Ear Wax Removal
  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction
  • Hypnosis
  • Homeopathic remedies
  • Acupuncture
  • Nutritional Supplements

Tinnitus Treatment Options: Final Words

Tinnitus treatments are readily available, but make sure you consult with a healthcare professional before acquiring any of these treatments. If you’re opting for behavioral therapies, make sure you seek them from a professional with years of experience.

For the best tinnitus treatments, visit the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ in New York City to experience a new chapter of life unbothered by tinnitus-induced symptoms.

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street
Penthouse Floor
New York, NY 10001

Call today for a consultation:

Dr. Katz fluently speaks 5 languages. All sessions are performed online.

Can You Cure Tinnitus?

People suffering from this condition must often ask, can you cure tinnitus? Tinnitus is usually a symptom of an underlying condition that you may be suffering from. If you go to a doctor when suffering from tinnitus, they will initially diagnose you for another cause that may be leading to diagnosis. In some cases, the doctor cannot find another cause for your problem, and this allows for medical examination.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a symptomatic expression that causes you to hear a ringing or whistling sound without the existence of external sounds. The frequency, loudness, and type of sound varies from person to person. Some experience a hissing sound, while others may also experience a clicking sound. The most commonly reported tinnitus sound is the ringing sound.

Causes and Treatment

Depending on whether you are aware of the underlying cause that is causing your tinnitus, the doctor will treat it differently. If the doctor manages to treat the underlying condition, then the symptomatic tinnitus is likely to get better.

In some instances, an added wax buildup in the ear causes the occurrence of tinnitus. Therefore, earwax removal is the simplest and appropriate treatment for your tinnitus. Alternatively, if a more serious problem is causing the tinnitus such as a blood vessel issue, then the treatment could either be medication or surgery.

Can you cure tinnitus?

It is important to note that the severity of the underlying condition determines the intensity of the tinnitus to a great extent. Your tinnitus may be more frequent and louder if you previously existing, and inherited issues with your ear. Additionally, tinnitus is also common amongst older people with hearing loss.

Can You Cure Tinnitus?

Your auditory system is one of the main reasons behind tinnitus. This involves the inner ear, outer ear, and the nerves that transmit signals between the ears and brain. People that suffer from tinnitus have faulty mechanisms in the auditory parts of the brain.

Thus, depending on the networking of the electric signals in the brain, the tinnitus you experience can either be persistent and loud, or subtle and low. In most cases, tinnitus is a rare occurrence. While to some people, it seriously disrupts their quality of life.

Since tinnitus is not in itself a condition, there is no cure for the symptom. However, you can find methods that can help reduce the intensity of the condition and make it bearable. Methods take shape in the form of medication, remedial techniques, and more importantly therapy.

As a person suffering from tinnitus, you can use many therapeutic measures to alleviate the pain. While there is no promise of a cure, there are therapies in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and some remedial measures that could improve your quality of life and help you deal with tinnitus.

Common Treatments of Tinnitus

Health practitioners will recommend plenty of techniques and options to mask the annoying sounds tinnitus patients hear. This is mainly because there isn’t any proven way to stop the sounds. So, resorting to sound therapy remains the alternative option for now.

TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy)

In this therapy, professionals use cognitive solutions, such as sound therapy and counseling to “retrain” the brain, or the patient to have a different reaction, perception, and understanding of the sound. Unlike a medical cure, this therapy leans towards psychological solutions, and it largely works because of the subconscious nature of tinnitus.

The idea behind TRT is to heal the person on the subconscious level since there are no effective options that will heal them physiologically. The brain has a natural ability to “habituate” or become familiar with a sound and ignore it, subconsciously classifying it as “white noise” or background sounds.

Thus, with proper counseling in the form of cognitive-behavioral therapy, a patient can ultimately achieve a different perception of the dreaded sound and learn to avoid it. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy are the two main methods that comprise TRT.

Can you cure tinnitus? Treatment Specialist | USA UK Europe Dubai UAE

CBT is a form of in-person counseling in which the therapist aims for the patient to discover the root and depth of their problems. With enough counseling and insight, it is very much possible for the person to look past the drastic sounds and not lose focus.

Sound exposure therapy also helps in this regard. In this, the patient exposes themselves to the tinnitus sounds more frequently with the help of an external source. The goal of this therapy is to desensitize the individual to drastic sounds.

With enough exposure to sounds, patients are likely to have a better response to sounds when they encounter an episode of tinnitus. There is plenty of evidence that supports the efficacy of these methods, and most of them have changed the lives of many suffering from this condition.

Can You Cure Tinnitus? Conclusion

Tinnitus is a tough condition to diagnose and treat, which is why it’s generally best to consult with a specialist. Stephen Katz LCSW is a tinnitus specialist in New York, with years of experience in dealing with tinnitus patients.

Call today to schedule a convenient online session, accessible from anywhere in the world. Dr. Katz speaks 5 languages and has dedicated much of his life to helping people diagnose & treat tinnitus and other sound disorders. 

Call Today

(646) 213-2321

Visit our website for more information.

Natural Ways to Relieve Tinnitus

What are some natural ways to relieve tinnitus? The most common definition of tinnitus is the ringing in your ears. Well, a patient suffering from tinnitus can hear multiple different sounds apart from just ringing. The sounds that a tinnitus patient hears have no external source or existence producing them. This can be quite disrupting for an individual, as there is no possible way to remove yourself from the annoying sound.

Tinnitus Causes

A patient can suffer from either short-term tinnitus or long-term. The causes for this condition are not certain but may vary from several factors such as earwax, loud sound exposure, stress, or even anxiety. Although genetics may also be one factor to blame for the occurrence of tinnitus, it is difficult to pinpoint one particular cause of tinnitus.

This is because tinnitus is not a disease itself, but it is a symptom of another underlying illness or condition. Conditions either may directly or indirectly result in tinnitus without any relation to the ear.

natural ways to relieve tinnitus

What does Tinnitus Sound Like?

Most people describe tinnitus as a ringing sound in their ear; however, the wide range of sounds that people can experience includes whistling, hissing, grinding, buzzing, and more. Moreover, the frequency of occurrence may also vary in each individual.

For example, some people might experience the sounds constantly, while others can experience the sounds occasionally. Similarly, the loudness also alternates between very loud and very quiet. If you can hear some of these common sounds without any external presence of the sound, that is a good indication of tinnitus.

Tinnitus is a common disorder and affects people of all age groups, including children. It is more commonly a symptom of old age. For most people, tinnitus is a temporary disruption; however, to others, it destroys their quality of life.

Natural Ways to Relieve Tinnitus: Treatment

If you want to treat your tinnitus, you have to figure out the root cause of the disorder. If the tinnitus you experience is an underlying symptom of another condition, you have to treat that cause to get rid of the problem.

For example, if you have an earwax buildup that is resulting in tinnitus, then you must treat the earwax to get rid of the tinnitus to some extent or even alleviate the tinnitus symptoms.

On the other hand, if your tinnitus does not come from any underlying condition but only the abnormal perception of your brain, then you have to seek other solutions. Cognitive Behavior Therapy stands as, by far, the most widely accepted treatment that helps with chronic tinnitus.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

Tinnitus may be resulting from the drastic conditions of stress, anxiety, depression, or insomnia. These underlying mental conditions are common with people who suffer from tinnitus. CBT is a therapy that treats mental disorders such as these. Many people have reported their tinnitus to disappear, along with their anxiety. Some even claim their tinnitus triggers as soon as they come across a stressful situation.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to make people familiar with an uncomfortable situation so that they do not have an anxiety-fueled response to adverse situations. As a result, it makes you confident, calm, and free of tinnitus.

In other words, treating a person’s anxiety and depression will ultimately make their tinnitus better because they will no longer fall victim to stressful situations. CBT not only makes your tinnitus better but also improves your life’s quality.

best natural ways to relieve tinnitus

How Does it Work?

CBT, with a combination of medication, proves to be one of the best treatments for tinnitus. However, it is a natural solution that can also work without medication. It involves the key role of a therapist or consultant who helps you determine the inner workings of your thought process.

It helps you relinquish some of the feelings and thoughts that you have been holding on to. By doing so, it gives you another perspective on your anxiety and depression. In other words, it is the rewiring of the brain, which helps you act differently to a triggering situation.

To people that experience tinnitus at an instance of a stressful situation, CBT can be immensely effective.

Other Natural Treatments

Other natural solutions to tinnitus revolve around lifestyle changes such as frequent exercise and nutrition. Activities such as these help with inflammation, better sleep, and reduced stress. Thus, they can be critical in controlling the intensity of your tinnitus.

Some people like to resort to meditation to alleviate stress and anxiety, which is another method of treating tinnitus. Along with the common herbal remedies and supplementation, basic mindfulness is amazing alternatives to treat tinnitus.

Natural Ways to Relieve Tinnitus: Conclusion

Tinnitus can be frustrating and, in some cases, severe. The worst thing about this condition is that there is no particular cure or treatment for it. The only promise relies on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and other methods. We provide the best CBT services for Tinnitus patients. Visit Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ and call us at 646-213-2321.

Treatments For Tinnitus

What are the treatments for tinnitus? Many factors can cause Tinnitus, including genetics, physical problems, noisy environments, etc. To know what is causing ringing in your ears, visit us for a thorough examination, including a close check-up of your ear. Tinnitus may also occur as a side effect of different medications. Therefore, when you come for an inspection, tell us what medication you are taking so that we can figure out the cause accurately.

If the source of your problem is not apparent, we may recommend you to consult an otolaryngologist, an otologist or an audiologist for testing your hearing, and nerves. Your examination may include an audiogram, which is a hearing test. We may also recommend imaging techniques, such as a CT scan or an MRI, to observe any structural damage.

Treatments For Tinnitus

Treatments for Tinnitus

In most cases, Tinnitus is a result of an existing condition. Treating that condition/disease helps get rid of Tinnitus. If your ear problem does not relate to any medical condition, we will suggest you other non-medical treatments like masking the unwanted noise or therapies. Some Tinnitus cases may go without any medical treatments, but some do not – they need proper treatment.

If earwax is causing Tinnitus, our doctors will clean your ears with a suction device to give you instant relief. We may prescribe ear drops, which include hydrocortisone and antibiotics, to cope with the infection. You have to make sure to use the eardrops properly to treat Tinnitus.

1.     Medications for Tinnitus

Many medications can help you recover from Tinnitus. Some low dose anti-anxiety drugs, such as Valium or Elavil, may reduce some types of Tinnitus. For some people, placing steroids inside the ear with anti-anxiety medicine (alprazolam) is helpful.

2.     Masking Devices

Tinnitus maskers are also helpful for some patients. This masking device is like hearing aid but plays a pleasant sound to fight with the noise produced by Tinnitus. New masking devices come with both functions i.e., they can act as a masker and a hearing aid.

3.     Dental Treatment

According to many professional doctors, Tinnitus may also occur due to a problem in the TMJ or temporomandibular joint. This joint is near the middle ear and connects the lower jaw with the head. Some hearing nerves also pass through this joint. If the TMJ disorder is the reason for Tinnitus, dentists realign the jawbone to provide relief.

4.     Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive Therapy is a counseling process that helps you in understanding how to modify your reaction to Tinnitus. When performed with proper medication and masking, cognitive therapy can offer some great results.

5.     Cochlear Implants

This device is useful for treating deafness. Additionally, it can be a great help for people who have Tinnitus. This device sends signals from the ears to your brain. Doctors only recommend this surgery if the cause of Tinnitus is a hearing problem.

Top Treatments For Tinnitus 02

6.     Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

This technique relies on the natural functioning of the brain. You hear the raindrops falling on the road or the roof when it starts raining. A few moments later, your brain ignores to hear those sounds actively. The noise of raindrops falling on the roof is still there, but your brain makes you let it go unnoticed. This is the basic principle that experts use when treating Tinnitus with TRT. There are two parts of TRT:

  • A person suffering from Tinnitus gets one-on-one counseling.
  • The tinnitus patient wears sound generators in the ear and plays some neutral sound.

7.     Biofeedback

This relaxation technique helps in stress management. Biofeedback can be helpful for some people as they change their reaction towards Tinnitus.

8.     Alternative Treatments

Some patients find relief from treatments like acupuncture, hypnosis, or magnets. There is no concrete evidence that these methods work. In some cases, people take vitamin supplements to treat the condition. According to some people, herbal supplements, zinc, or magnesium tablets have shown benefits.

Call Stephen Katz to Treat Your Tinnitus

The treatment your doctor chooses for you depends on your specific case. It is essential to know what the cause of this condition is before trying any treatment. Tinnitus treatment specialist Stephen Katz LCSW can help you with your condition.

Contact us at (646) 213-2321 to schedule an appointment.

I Have Tinnitus. What Are My Treatment Options?

What are your tinnitus treatment options?

Diagnosis of Tinnitus

Anyone who has Tinnitus should visit a specialist for evaluation and examination before treating the condition because many conditions, diseases, environmental factors, etc. can cause it. You cannot opt for a specific treatment unless the cause of Tinnitus is clear. The diagnosis may include:

  • Examination of the head, torso, neck, and ear
  • Hearing tests
  • Laboratory blood tests
  • Imaging studies



Tinnitus Treatment Options

The first step in treating your Tinnitus is to visit a Tinnitus specialist who will diagnose your condition and find out the causes of its occurrence. If your ear problem relates to another health condition, your doctor will treat that problem. In most cases, treating the underlying cause helps overcome Tinnitus as well. Otherwise, the doctor will suggest you other non-medical treatments, such as therapies, or masking the unwanted noise. In some cases, Tinnitus would go away without any specific treatment. In other cases, you might have to go for therapy to get rid of the condition.

For instance, if earwax blockage is the reason for your Tinnitus, the specialist will clean your ears with a suction device. Clearing the wax will relieve you from Tinnitus. If the ear infection is causing you Tinnitus, drops like hydrocortisone and antibiotics will treat your Tinnitus.

1.     Through Habituation Techniques

Our brain subconsciously habituates some sound signals that it considers unimportant, such as the noise of gentle rain, computer fans, air conditioners, etc. TRT therapy works by continuously hearing some pleasant sound and eventually drowning the ringing sounds.

2.     With the Help of Masking

Masking devices are just like hearing aids, but they play a pleasant sound in your ears to help you fight Tinnitus. These devices drown out the ringing of Tinnitus with sounds such as white or pink noise. Some masking devices can mask the condition and act as hearing aids at the same time.



3.     Through Medications

A variety of medicines can help you take care of the causes of Tinnitus, some low-dose anti-anxiety drugs like Elavil or Valium, for example. In some situations, inserting steroids into the ear along with an anti-anxiety medicine (alprazolam) can be helpful.

4.     With the help of Hearing Aids and Implants

A hearing aid can also be helpful if your Tinnitus is due to the loss of hearing. The hearing device will help you cope with the loss of hearing, which will eventually treat Tinnitus.

If the cause of Tinnitus is a hearing problem due to damage to the cochlea, the specialist will recommend cochlear implants. This surgery helps in treating severe deafness. It works by sending signals to your brain from the ears. Cochlear implants have helped many patients who had Tinnitus due to hearing loss.

5.     Through Dental Treatment

Temporomandibular joint or TMJ disorder can also lead to Tinnitus. A TMJ disorder is the result of the dislocation of the TMJ. This joint is near the inner ear, and some of the sensory nerves passing through this joint reach the brain to perform the hearing function. When this joint is misaligned, it damages your nerves, causing a hearing disorder. A specialist can help you with your condition by aligning your jaw and relieving you from TMJ disorder, and eventually treating Tinnitus.

6.     Through Stress Management

The biofeedback technique can help you with stress management. It can be helpful as your reaction towards Tinnitus is changed.

7.     Through Counseling

To treat Tinnitus, a specialist may also use this counseling method to help you modify your reaction to Tinnitus. This way, you can ignore the sound of Tinnitus. Cognitive therapy can boost the performance of Tinnitus medication and Tinnitus masking techniques.


Visiting a specialist is essential in treating your Tinnitus, as the occurrence of this condition may indicate a severe disease or some other serious medical condition. Tinnitus is an indication that something is not right with your body, and after diagnosis, you can treat that condition to treat Tinnitus as a result.

You can find a Tinnitus treatment specialist by contacting us at (646) 213-2321 or visiting our clinic for an appointment. Our specialist, Stephen Katz, can examine your condition to help you with the best treatment.

Current Treatments for Tinnitus

What are the current treatments for Tinnitus? Are you someone who feels a continuous ringing sensation in your ears and you find it unbearably irritating? Well, you may be suffering from Tinnitus, which is an auditory condition that can result from various causes. Do you want to make it go away or at least reduce its symptoms? Well, you’ve landed at the right place because we will discuss effective treatment options for tinnitus here.

It is very important to find out the exact cause that led you to develop the condition. One of the most common causes is hearing repetitive and loud shrilling noise. For example farmers or ambulance drivers who hear certain sounds daily. People who have such jobs are more likely to develop tinnitus.


In order to properly diagnose your problem, your doctor will ask you important questions. For example, is the sound high pitched or low pitched? For how long has it been bothering you? Have you been in an accident that caused a lot of blood loss? The answers to these questions and your medical history will help the specialist diagnose and reach a conclusion. A general physical exam and then a thorough exam of your ears will follow the questioning session. If you have any built-up earwax, your physician will remove it professionally.

Your medical history will also let the doctor know if you were on anti depressants that they may be the cause of tinnitus. MRI and CT scans are also useful to get a clearer idea of the internal structure of your ear. You may even have to take audio tests and pitch-match tests. After the diagnosis stage, once your doctor identifies the origin of your problem, you will under-go treatment that is specific to your state.

Current Treatment Options

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy is a special kind of therapy that doctors use to treat Tinnitus. It focuses on retraining the hearing system to process the irritating sounds better, so that the person starts to find the natural and not disruptive. It also involves the use of white noise via a device that helps drown out the tinnitus causing sounds.

In addition to that, multiple counseling sessions are also a part of this therapy. These sessions aim to help the sufferer clear out their thoughts and think better. TRT has proven to be very successful.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is another such therapy for relieving tinnitus. Therapists try to change the way you think. Your thought patterns are responsible for the way you behave. Tinnitus also causes intense depression because in severe cases sufferers isolate themselves in an attempt to avoid ringing sounds. CBT helps relieve depression and straighten out thought patterns.

Hearing aids and auditory/masking devices are also helpful when it comes to suppressing tinnitus symptoms. These devices produce a continuous low level white nose that covers up the tinnitus causing noise. If you take therapy sessions along with using such devices, you will definitely find relief from tinnitus symptoms.

Additional Tips

Know your triggers. Alcohol and excessive caffeine intake often contributes to the enhancement of tinnitus symptoms. If you smoke, quit it because it tends to mess up your blood flow. Meditate and listen to soothing music. Not only will it help you relax but also distract your mind from the ringing sensation.


There are multiple causes of tinnitus and it is important to find out what is the exact source of irritation that you suffer from. This can only be done after thorough investigation by a specialist. If you want to get rid of this problem once and for all, schedule your appointment with the best Tinnitus specialist, Stephen Geller Katz in NYC today!

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Cognitive Retraining Therapy for Tinnitus

Cognitive retraining helps those affected with tinnitus cope with the side effects by dealing with reactions to related symptoms. The Tinnitus Cognitive Center can help you to learn how to deal with your condition.

Cognitive Retraining. Can it help cure my Tinnitus?

There is no known cure for tinnitus. The inner ear cannot be repaired once damaged. No current solution can cure the condition. Instead, treatments and therapies aim to help sufferers cope with their symptoms.

Of all treatments geared towards tinnitus, cognitive retraining is proven and among the least invasive strategies. The coping strategies and pattern forming are well beyond experimental and backed by many medical studies.

Will Tinnitus Ever Be Cured?

New studies regularly shed light on the root causes of tinnitus. With advances in medical technology, scientists in Australia found that nerves in the ear were either under or overstimulated in those afflicted. The researchers from the study hope to develop medications to control the condition.
Advances in hearing aid technology are beginning to offer a solution to alleviate the ringing and noise related to tinnitus. Signia and Oticon now offer devices aimed at training the nerve in the ear and blocking certain frequencies.

With consistent progress, the development of a cure may not be far in the future. However, cognitive retraining therapy and hearing aid technologies are currently the best options for dealing with tinnitus.

What is cognitive retraining therapy?

Cognitive retraining therapy is a form of psychotherapy. It targets the behaviors and reactions to stimuli. This form of treatment has shown significant progress when dealing with tinnitus sufferers.

Core beliefs form intermediate thoughts which lead to automatic reactions. These automatic reactions are often dangerous and life-impacting.
Cognitive retraining therapy accounts for these beliefs and reactions to them to create relevant exercises geared towards helping patients control an issue through their behavior. By dealing with these beliefs and thoughts, people have reported significant improvement.

It is a form of psychotherapy with promising results. The Korean Journal of Audiology and a wide range of case studies all report a benefit to cognitive retraining therapies in helping treat tinnitus. General exercise and wellness offer an additional boost to any treatment.

Dr. Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R created the Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy to deal directly with people suffering from the condition. His unique approach targets negative thoughts and core beliefs that have a significant impact on a patient’s quality of life.

Why should I seek cognitive retraining therapy?

If you suffer from tinnitus, you may experience increased anxiety, sleep depression, and many other side effects that will worsen your symptoms in a vicious cycle. If left unchecked, clinical depression and suicidal thoughts can even result.

Are there options other than cognitive retraining therapy to treat Tinnitus?

There are a variety of options available to help deal with tinnitus. These range from working to non-working solutions, each with benefits and detriments. The most effective solutions tend to be cognitive retraining therapy and hearing aids.

Other treatments include using medications and alternative medicines and dietary supplements. Drugs can help but are also related to nausea, dizziness, and even addiction. Alternative therapies such as chiropractic, vitamins, and acupuncture have no proven effect.

To learn more about how cognitive retraining therapy can help you take back control of your life, contact Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center today.



Jin, Hyung Jin and Park, Moo Kyun. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Tinnitus: Evidence and Efficacy. (2013, 13 December). Retrieved from
Riedle, David et al. The influence of tinnitus acceptance on the quality of life and psychological distress in patients with chronic tinnitus. (2015, 17 October). Retrieved from

Coping with Tinnitus

To live a fulfilling life, coping with tinnitus is necessary. Tinnitus can be very distressing if one does not know how to cope with it. There are a few things that studies have proven help patients cope with tinnitus from CBT to Masking devices.

CBT is very helpful because it helps to retrain the way you think about life and how you cope with situations. It was originally made for people struggling with depression and other mental disorders but has proven to be helpful for tinnitus patients. To learn more about CBT please read our article about CBT and how it can improve your tinnitus.  We also have written an article named ‘’Treatment options for Tinnitus’’ to help you understand that there are treatment options and how to go about them.

Noise suppression

In some cases, white noise may help suppress the sound so that it’s less bothersome. Your doctor may suggest using an electronic device to suppress the noise. Devices include:

  • White noise machines. These machines make sounds that mask the ringing in your ears. From ocean waves to static noises are available for you to use. I have heard many people tell me that it helps them to sleep at night. It has been proven that ocean waves are very relaxing and can help patients to wind down and sleep all through the night.
  • Hearing aids. These can be especially helpful if you have hearing problems as well as tinnitus. But please note that hearing aids do not always help with tinnitus.
  • Masking devices. Worn in the ear and like hearing aids. They are a mixture of heating aids and white noise machines. It makes sounds like ocean waves and the like in your ear that drowns out the ringing.
  • Tinnitus retraining. A wearable device delivers individually programmed tonal music to mask the specific frequencies of the tinnitus you experience. After a while, you may not even be able to hear the ringing anymore. Counseling is often a component of tinnitus retraining.


There are no medications that can cure tinnitus now, but in some cases, they may help reduce the severity of symptoms. Possible medications are:

  • Tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline and nortriptyline, have been used with some success. Keep in mind these are typically only used for severe tinnitus, as they can cause troublesome side effects, including dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation and heart problems.
  • Alprazolam (Niravam, Xanax) may help reduce tinnitus symptoms, but side effects can include drowsiness and nausea. It can also become habit-forming.

Contact us for a professional to speak to so that you can know what medication may be proper for you.

Lifestyle and home remedies

Often, tinnitus can’t be treated. Some people, however, get used to it and notice it less than they did at first. For many people, certain adjustments make the symptoms less annoying. These tips may help:

Avoid possible irritants. Reduce your exposure to things that may make your tinnitus worse. Common examples include loud noises, caffeine, and nicotine.

Cover up the noise. In a quiet setting, a fan, soft music or low-volume radio static may help mask the noise from tinnitus.

Manage stress. Stress can make tinnitus worse. One can benefit from acquiring a calming self-care routine. Focus on calming yourself and do things that you know will calm your mind. The more stress you feel the louder tinnitus tends to get so make sure to take time to breathe and calm your mind.

Reduce your alcohol consumption. Alcohol increases the force of your blood by dilating your blood vessels, causing greater blood flow, especially in the inner ear area. And those with pulsatile tinnitus will find this to be very distressing. Please dial back on alcohol consumption.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment to treat your tinnitus. We can help you on your way to improving your life and mindset.

How to Overcome Tinnitus

Overcome tinnitusWhen you have tinnitus, existing environmental noises become more muddling – the ringing noises can be unbearable at times. This critical condition causes spontaneous and unusual sounds, produced in the eardrums. Doctors and audiologists have done many studies on such cases to determine the cause of tinnitus, but have not yet identified the principal cause of this health condition. So, it’s become more difficult for people to live with this situation. This is especially true since we are surrounded by different types of environmental noises all around. The debilitating ear disorder is also related to specific infectious conditions and abnormal ear functionality, which is why it is highly recommended that you see a doctor immediately to fix any underlying conditions and cope with the problem.

There are specific approaches and measure that help you to overcome stressful tinnitus:


De-stressing yourself is an efficient way to combat the effects of tinnitus. It is essential to understand that anxiety and stress can amplify your symptoms and can lead you to a depressive condition, which can, in turn, lead to hypertension and other disorders. Massaging and meditation is the best option to enjoy a soothing and relaxing effect. Exercise will also help you to find the way toward recovery. You can also listen to some soft and calming music to cover the inner sounds you hear all the time. Take a break from your routine and opt for camping or a hiking trip.

Acoustic evaluation

Overcome tinnitusTo overcome this hearing disorder you have to take a preemptive approach by seeing an auditory specialist. As they just don’t treat your underlying symptoms, but can prescribe methodologies to help you combat your situation. To evaluate your hearing ability, they check your auditory system with specific sound matching and masking level techniques to examine the threshold of sound in the ears. The tool and techniques used will help the doctor design specific strategies you can implement to steer clear of repetitive noises and focus more on your work or activity.

Certain foods to avoid

Over-consumption of caffeine and other nicotine containing products can lead to various health issues including tinnitus. Moreover, try to reduce the amount of sodium (salt) while preparing your favorite dishes. Add fruits, veggies and whole grain more in your regular diet to avoid underlying tinnitus exposure.

Hypnotherapeutic treatment

Overcome tinnitusThere are several modes of techniques that can calm your mind and fight tinnitus. Hypnotherapy can help you control the nature and volume of sound that occurs in your ear. This method is very much useful in case of overwhelming tinnitus as it gives you a way to change and alter the direction and tone of the sound.

Bottom line

Other than the tips above you have a lot of options to overcome tinnitus. But following daily jog routine and aerobic seems a cost-effective remedy in case of frequent episodes of tinnitus. These techniques not only unwind your tinnitus by diverting your mind but also give you relief from other chronic disorders. Or you could Book an appointment with the closest LCSW-R in New York City to get a convenient examination and treatment.

Call today for a free 15 min phone consultation 646-213-2321

Can Acupuncture Aid with Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a perception of sound in the ear which does not originate from the external environment, from within the body, or from hallucinations. As many as 18% of the general population living in industrialized countries suffer from this condition, with 0.5% of patients reporting that tinnitus has a major effect on their ability to lead a normal and healthy life.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is commonly characterized as a ringing in the ear, and does not have any exact cause. The condition is usually caused by inner ear damage. However, it can also be the result of an infection in the ear, a perforated eardrum, or simply a large build-up of earwax. The condition is often presented with hearing loss, and can persist for many years in some cases. It can lead to other conditions, such as insomnia, lack of focus, and even depression in some patients.

Can Acupuncture Help?

In 2000, a systematic review concluded that so far, research had not demonstrated that acupuncture was an effective treatment for tinnitus. However, some of the studies included in the review used questionable controls, inadequate acupuncture treatments, and many were designed in a cross-over manner that is generally seen as inadequate for evaluating the effectiveness of acupuncture. So, more recent controlled trials carried out since this review have all found that acupuncture can be a source of successful relief from tinnitus, with one study even finding this ancient holistic health technique more effective than traditional Western medicine.

How Acupuncture Can Relieve Tinnitus:

Acupuncture is effective for relieving the symptoms of tinnitus in several different ways. Firstly, it can help to provide relief by acting on the cochlea, and particularly on the contractile activity of the outer hair cells. In addition, acupuncture treatments can also work on the efferent olivocochlear system in the ear; in turn, this will help to suppress any optoacoustic emissions. Acupuncture is also well-known for its ability to reduce inflammation; this is often a common cause of tinnitus and reducing inflammation in and around the ear can help to quickly relieve symptoms. It can also increase local microcirculation, which can help to reduce swelling and inflammation further. Finally, acupuncture can help to relieve the symptoms of tinnitus by altering the brain’s chemistry to increase and reduce the levels of certain neurotransmitters.

Contact the best tinnitus treatment in NYC today to see what we can do for you!

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

The Tinnitus Diet: The Foods That Trigger Tinnitus

If you are suffering from tinnitus, then you might have noticed that some days, it simply gets worse for no apparent reason. If this happens, do you ever stop to think about what you have eaten? Managing your tinnitus can often all come down to eating better and understanding if there are any particular foods which are more likely to trigger it than others. Many foods can have an effect on the symptoms of tinnitus, both positively and negatively. Here’s what not to eat if you suffer from tinnitus.

#1. Fast Foods:

Fast food can be a convenient treat, however, for those with tinnitus it can simply make the symptoms a lot worse. Along with pre-packaged and processed foods, fast food contains a large amount of salt, flavor enhancers, preservatives and saturated fats which are designed to prolong shelf life or enhance the appearance and taste of the products. However, the chemicals used are not food, and can have many undesirable side effects. In general, they tend to negatively affect tinnitus and make the ringing or humming sounds louder.

#2. Salt:

Salt tends to have an immediate effect on tinnitus, which always makes it worse. Consuming too much salt will restrict the blood vessels, increase your blood pressure and reduce the flow of blood to your ears, eyes and brain. As a result, an increase in blood pressure is directly linked to the symptoms of tinnitus being increased. Bear in mind that there are high levels of salt in pre-packaged and processed foods; the best way to avoid this ingredient from worsening your tinnitus is to cook as many meals as you can from scratch so that you can control the salt level.

#3. Sugar:

Everybody knows that eating sugary foods can be bad for your teeth, weight, and overall health. But, did you know that consuming too much sugar can also be one of the main reasons that your tinnitus is getting worse instead of going away? Studies have shown that around 85-90% of people with tinnitus also suffer from a sugar metabolism disorder which is characterized by increased levels of insulin in the bloodstream, causing the body to become less sensitive to insulin and increasing the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Too much sugar can cause an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, which in turn can worsen the symptoms of tinnitus.

The Tinnitus Diet The Foods That Trigger TinnitusAre you struggling to manage your tinnitus? Get in touch with out NYC tinnitus clinic today for helpful advice!

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-213-2321

Ear Wax Removal for Tinnitus Treatment

For some people, the first treatment for tinnitus will be the removal of ear wax. Even if you cannot see a significant buildup of ear wax in your ear, it may be present. For those who have developed tinnitus, or a ringing in the ear or noise in the ear, and who may have only… Continue Reading

Category Archives: Tinnitus Treatment

Technology in Tinnitus Treatment: Innovations and Trends

What is the role of technology in tinnitus treatment and the latest innovations and emerging trends that offer hope and relief to those living with this condition? Tinnitus, characterized by the perception of sound when no external source is present, can be a challenging condition to manage. However, advancements in technology have opened up new possibilities for innovative and effective treatment approaches.

Technology in Tinnitus Treatment

Technology-Driven Tinnitus Treatments

The integration of technology into tinnitus treatment has led to several promising approaches:

Hearing Aids:

Modern hearing aids are equipped with advanced technology, such as directional microphones and noise reduction algorithms. They not only enhance your ability to hear external sounds but also help mask and manage tinnitus.

Sound Therapy Apps:

Numerous smartphone apps offer customizable sound therapy options. These apps provide a wide range of soothing sounds, allowing users to find the sounds that work best for masking their tinnitus.

Neuromodulation Devices:

Neuromodulation devices, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), use electromagnetic fields or low electrical currents to modulate brain activity and reduce tinnitus perception.

Customized Sound Generators:

Some tinnitus specialists use customized sound generators to create precisely tailored sounds that match a patient’s tinnitus frequency. These devices can be worn discreetly and provide relief by masking the tinnitus.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Apps:

Mobile apps and online platforms offer CBT-based programs that guide individuals through cognitive restructuring and relaxation exercises to help manage the emotional aspects of tinnitus.

Technology in Tinnitus Treatment: Emerging Trends

Several emerging trends in technology-driven tinnitus treatment hold promise for the future:

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

AI-powered algorithms can analyze tinnitus-related data, such as sound profiles and treatment responses, to provide personalized and adaptive treatment plans.

Virtual Reality (VR):

VR technology can create immersive and therapeutic environments that distract individuals from tinnitus, providing an innovative approach to sound therapy.

Telehealth Services:

The growth of telehealth services allows individuals to access tinnitus specialists and treatment options remotely, increasing accessibility and convenience.

Biometric Monitoring:

Wearable devices equipped with biometric sensors can track physiological responses to tinnitus, providing valuable insights into treatment effectiveness.

The Specialist’s Role

While technology plays a pivotal role in tinnitus treatment, the expertise of a specialist is crucial. Tinnitus treatment specialists, like Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, can assess your unique needs, recommend appropriate technology-driven interventions, and provide guidance throughout your treatment journey. Embracing these innovations and seeking expert guidance can lead to significant improvements in tinnitus management and overall well-being.

Contact Information

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™
Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
Phone: 646-213-2321

All sessions are conducted online.
Dr. Katz speaks 5 languages.

Best Tinnitus Treatments: Cognitive Retraining vs. Behavioral Therapy

Best Tinnitus Treatment specialist Top US UK Brazil MX Multi Lingual OnlineWhat are the best tinnitus treatments? Living with tinnitus can be a daily struggle, with the constant noise in your ears affecting not only your hearing but also your quality of life. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available, including Cognitive Retraining Therapy (CRT) and Behavioral Therapy, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). In this guide, we will help you understand the differences between these two approaches and guide you in choosing the right tinnitus treatment that suits your unique needs.

Understanding Tinnitus and Its Impact

Tinnitus is characterized by the perception of sound when no external source is present, often manifesting as ringing, buzzing, or humming in the ears. It’s essential to recognize that tinnitus’s effects extend beyond the auditory realm, affecting your mental and emotional well-being. The relentless nature of tinnitus can lead to anxiety, depression, and reduced quality of life.

Cognitive Retraining Therapy (CRT): A Unique Approach

Cognitive Retraining Therapy (CRT) takes a distinctive cognitive approach to tinnitus treatment. It focuses on retraining your brain’s perception of sound, acknowledging that tinnitus often arises from the brain’s response to the condition rather than solely from auditory input.

Understanding Auditory Habituation

CRT starts by identifying and understanding auditory habituations—automatic responses of the brain to persistent sounds. In individuals with tinnitus, these habituations can lead to heightened emotional responses, such as anxiety or frustration.

Retraining Auditory Perception

With the guidance of a CRT specialist, like Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, CRT aims to retrain your brain’s perception of auditory stimuli. This process involves desensitizing your brain to the tinnitus sounds, shifting your response from distress to acceptance.

Customized Treatment Plans

CRT recognizes that each tinnitus experience is unique. Therefore, personalized treatment plans are crafted to address your specific needs and challenges, ensuring that you receive a tailored approach to your journey toward tinnitus management.

Best Tinnitus Treatments 2024

Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A Proven Approach

Behavioral Therapy, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), is a well-established approach in treating various mental health conditions, including tinnitus. It primarily addresses the emotional and psychological aspects of tinnitus by modifying negative thought patterns and behaviors.

Identifying Negative Thought Patterns

CBT sessions, often led by experienced therapists like Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, commence with identifying the negative thought patterns associated with tinnitus. These patterns may include catastrophic thinking, where individuals believe the worst possible outcomes related to their tinnitus, or rumination, where they continually dwell on the sound.

Challenging and Restructuring Thoughts

Once these negative thought patterns are identified, CBT equips you with strategies to challenge and restructure them. Clients learn techniques to replace anxious or pessimistic thoughts with more balanced and realistic ones. Over time, this process helps reduce the emotional distress associated with tinnitus, offering a profound sense of control.

Behavioral Techniques

CBT for tinnitus can also incorporate various behavioral techniques, including relaxation exercises, mindfulness practices, and stress-reduction strategies. These holistic approaches not only alleviate tinnitus-related distress but also enhance overall mental well-being.

Choosing the Best Tinnitus Treatments: Contact a Specialist

The choice between Cognitive Retraining Therapy (CRT) and Behavioral Therapy (CBT) depends on your individual needs and preferences. CRT focuses on retraining auditory perception and may be particularly effective if you believe that your tinnitus is primarily driven by your brain’s response to the condition. On the other hand, CBT addresses negative thought patterns and behaviors and may be suitable if you’re looking to manage the emotional distress associated with tinnitus.

To make an informed decision, consult with a specialist like Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, who can assess your unique situation and recommend the most appropriate treatment approach. Whichever path you choose, rest assured that effective tinnitus management is within reach, offering you the prospect of a quieter and more peaceful life.

Contact Information

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™
Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R

All sessions are conducted online.

Finding Relief: How a Tinnitus Treatment Specialist Can Help You

Tinnitus Treatment Specialist 2024In this guide, we will explore how a tinnitus treatment specialist can provide you with the guidance, support, and effective strategies needed to find relief and regain control over your life. Tinnitus, characterized by the persistent perception of sound when no external source is present, can be an overwhelming and often distressing condition. The constant noise in your ears can disrupt your daily life and well-being, but you don’t have to face it alone.

Understanding the Complexity of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is not a one-size-fits-all condition. Its causes, symptoms, and impact can vary significantly from person to person. Some may experience tinnitus as a mild annoyance, while others may find it profoundly disruptive. Understanding the complexity of tinnitus is the first step toward effective management.

The Role of a Tinnitus Treatment Specialist

A tinnitus treatment specialist, such as Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, is a trained professional with expertise in diagnosing and treating tinnitus. These specialists play a crucial role in helping individuals like you navigate the challenges of tinnitus and find relief. Here’s how they can assist you:

Accurate Diagnosis:

Tinnitus specialists can accurately diagnose the underlying causes and contributing factors of your tinnitus, which is essential for developing an effective treatment plan.

Personalized Treatment Plans:

No two cases of tinnitus are the same. A specialist can create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of your condition.

Access to Advanced Therapies:

Tinnitus treatment specialists have access to the latest therapies and technologies designed to provide relief. They can recommend treatments such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Cognitive Retraining Therapy (CRT), hearing aids, or sound therapy, based on your unique situation.

Emotional Support:

Tinnitus often leads to emotional distress, including anxiety and depression. Specialists can offer emotional support and teach coping strategies to help you manage these challenges effectively.

Education and Guidance:

Understanding your condition is a key part of finding relief. Specialists can educate you about tinnitus, its causes, and the available treatment options, empowering you to make informed decisions about your care.

Top Tinnitus Specialist

Why Choose Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R?

Selecting the right tinnitus treatment specialist is crucial to your journey toward relief. Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, is a highly experienced tinnitus treatment specialist with a wealth of knowledge and a compassionate approach. He combines expertise in therapies like CBT and CRT with a deep understanding of the emotional impact of tinnitus, ensuring comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs.

Contact Us for Tinnitus Relief

Don’t let tinnitus continue to disrupt your life. With the guidance of a tinnitus treatment specialist, you can find relief, regain control, and look forward to a future filled with quieter and more peaceful days. If you’re ready to take the first step toward tinnitus relief, reach out to the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ today. Contact Stephen Katz to schedule a consultation. All sessions are conducted online, providing you with convenience and accessibility in your quest for relief.

Contact Information

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™
Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
Phone: 646-213-2321

All sessions are conducted online
Dr. Katz speaks 5 languages

Holistic Approaches to Tinnitus Treatment: From Acupuncture to Sound Therapy

What are some examples of holistic tinnitus treatment? Living with tinnitus can be a frustrating and isolating experience. While there is currently no cure for the condition, there are many treatment options available to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. One approach that has gained popularity in recent years is holistic medicine, which looks at the whole person rather than just treating isolated symptoms. In this blog post, we will explore some of the holistic approaches to tinnitus treatment and how they can benefit those living with the condition.


Holistic Tinnitus Treatment-acupuntureAcupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. The goal is to stimulate the body’s natural healing process and promote overall wellness. For those with tinnitus, acupuncture can be used to reduce stress and anxiety, which are common triggers for tinnitus symptoms. It may also help to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation in the ear, which can contribute to tinnitus.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy involves the use of specific sounds or tones to help manage tinnitus symptoms. This can include listening to white noise, music, or nature sounds. The goal is to provide a distraction from the tinnitus and promote relaxation. Some sound therapy techniques also involve retraining the brain to focus on external sounds rather than the internal tinnitus noise. This can help to reduce the perception of tinnitus and improve quality of life.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a practice that involves focusing on the present moment and accepting thoughts and feelings without judgment. It has been shown to be effective in reducing stress and anxiety, which can contribute to tinnitus symptoms. Mindfulness meditation can also help to improve focus and attention, which can be difficult for those with tinnitus.

Holistic Tinnitus Treatments-meditation

Dietary Changes

Certain foods and supplements have been shown to have a positive impact on tinnitus symptoms. For example, magnesium and zinc are important nutrients for ear health and may help to reduce tinnitus symptoms. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and flaxseed, can also have anti-inflammatory properties that may benefit those with tinnitus. Additionally, reducing caffeine and alcohol intake may help to reduce tinnitus symptoms.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can be beneficial for those with tinnitus. It may also help to improve blood flow and reduce tension in the neck and shoulders, which can contribute to tinnitus symptoms. A skilled massage therapist can tailor the massage to focus on specific areas that may be contributing to tinnitus symptoms.

Holistic Tinnitus Treatment: Conclusion

In conclusion, while there is no cure for tinnitus, there are many holistic approaches that can help to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Acupuncture, sound therapy, mindfulness meditation, dietary changes, and massage therapy are just a few examples of the many options available. By taking a holistic approach to tinnitus treatment, individuals can address the whole person rather than just treating isolated symptoms. If you or a loved one are living with tinnitus, consider exploring some of these options to find the treatment plan that works best for you.

If you are looking for a tinnitus treatment specialist, consider Stephen Geller Katz LCSW at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™. Dr. Katz is a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in tinnitus treatment using cognitive-behavioral therapy and other evidence-based approaches. All sessions are online and Dr. Katz speaks 5 languages.

Call Stephen Katz LCSW-R at 646-213-2321 today to schedule a consultation.

Top Tinnitus Treatments

What are the top tinnitus treatments? While many would think that the ringing they hear in their ears is nothing too serious, that unfortunately may not be the case. This ringing that people hear in their ears is called tinnitus, and it sometimes it is a symptom of a much larger health concern.

Top tinnitus treatments USA UK EURO

Therefore, even if it does not seem serious, you need to be careful and look for more effective methods to treat it before it worsens with time. Fortunately, professionals have worked on many treatment options for tinnitus, including the symptom itself or the underlying health concern.

What are the Symptoms of Tinnitus?

Tinnitus has very obvious symptoms, but it can also be very personal. Often the ringing that people hear is unique to their ears, and no one else can hear it. It can usually happen when the small hairs in your inner ears undergo damage.

Due to the subjective nature of tinnitus, people can also be hesitant to tell others about what they are experiencing. Luckily, physicians have definitive ways of checking if a person has tinnitus and its severity. And depending on what they find, they will be able to recommend different treatment options.

Treatment Options for Tinnitus

Getting treatment for tinnitus is rarely ever simple, as physicians must first go through the proper process of diagnosing the situation. Therefore, treatment options can vary widely depending on the type of tinnitus a person has and their underlying medical condition. However, some very popular treatment options for tinnitus include the following:

Using Hearing Aids

Individuals who lose their hearing due to old age or loud noises can greatly benefit from hearing aids. These hearing aids can help reduce the ringing resulting from hearing loss.

Removing Ear Wax

The body naturally produces ear wax to protect the opening of the ears from dust and dirt. However, if the ear canal accumulates too much of it, it will likely affect the individual’s ability to hear clearly. Of course, you should only try to remove the wax using a q tip. Instead, it would help if you visited a professional who can safely clean out your ears.

Suppress the Excess Noise

People with tinnitus often face the most difficulty sleeping since there are no external voices to help mask the sound. Therefore, they will need to properly mask their tinnitus sound using various other types of soothing sounds. White noise machines often have various sounds that can help an individual sleep with tinnitus. You can also find unique headphones designed for people to wear when they sleep since they do not hurt the inside of their ears.

Best top tinnitus treatments

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is one of the most important treatment solutions individuals can get since it focuses on treating tinnitus symptoms through counseling and sound masking techniques. You will likely go to an audiologist specializing in treating conditions like tinnitus.

They will give you a masking device to wear while offering counsel. Not only are they trying to help relieve symptoms in the short term, but they are also helping an individual’s ears block out the noise. The treatment will also help you better manage your feelings when dealing with those symptoms.

Top Tinnitus Treatments: Conclusion

Tinnitus can be a very serious issue for many individuals, as it can greatly affect their lives. But with the right diagnosis and treatment options, people can learn to manage their symptoms and live normal lives again. With more than 20 years of experience of providing Tinnitus Retraining Therapy TRT, Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW R at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ in New York, can surely help you with your condition.

Give us a call for an online consultation today.

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™
Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R

Best Ways to Manage Tinnitus

What are the best ways to manage tinnitus? Tinnitus can be a difficult condition to both diagnose and treat, especially since a physician can never say with any guarantee how long it will last. Despite extensive research in the field, a lot about this condition remains unknown, which makes a proper diagnosis all the more difficult.

Best Ways to Manage Tinnitus

Since tinnitus could be a symptom of an underlying condition,  physicians must consider various factors before recommending any treatment. So if you currently hear a ringing in your ear from time to time, you don’t have to struggle continuously. Instead, you can better manage your condition by following these tips.

Ways to Better Manage Your Tinnitus

One of the best ways to better manage your tinnitus is by finding out the many things that could trigger it. By understanding these smaller triggers, you can learn how to manage your condition better. Here are a few ways that you can better manage it:

Try to Get More Sleep

One of the few major reasons people hear a ringing in their ears is that they do not get enough rest. Sleep deficiency can lead to a vicious cycle of people not being able to sleep due to tinnitus, depriving them of valuable sleep, which then worsens tinnitus symptoms.

One of the ways that people try to manage their tinnitus to get more sleep is by playing soothing or masking sounds to cancel out the ringing in the ear. These soothing sounds could be of waves, nature, or even of white noise.

Allow Yourself to Relax

Sometimes, the only thing that makes tinnitus worse is you keep thinking about it. Constant stress is also a major contributor to this condition, as the stress could make the blood vessels less elastic. These blood vessels can transfer blood much faster, increasing the ear’s ringing.

It would help if you considered looking into Yoga, meditation, or any other recreational activity that can help you feel more at ease. Listening to music can also be a good way to relax, but avoid using ear plugs that go into the ear and loud volume.

Get Effective Hearing Protection

Another popular trigger for tinnitus includes loud noises, regardless of where they come from. Even if the loud noise is music, like at a concert, then it is very likely that you will hear a sharp ringing during or after the event.

In these specific instances, you must get effective hearing protection. From noise canceling headphones to earplugs, whatever can comfortably block out loud sounds can help you avoid tinnitus from resurfacing.

Best Ways to Manage Tinnitus TRT

Reduce Consumption of Alcohol and Caffeine

Tinnitus can also be temporary, usually due to high blood pressure. Therefore, you should avoid consuming things that could spike your blood pressure. Caffeine and alcohol are infamous for increasing blood pressure to a dangerous degree, which could lead to a ringing in your ear.

If you depend on caffeine to help you get through the day, you should consult a physician on how to move away from it slowly.

Stop Smoking

Aside from the different ways that smoking can affect the body, it can also lead to people experiencing serious hearing loss. Smoking can also cause coughing fits, putting a lot of pressure on the inner ears.

Try Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

Tinnitus retraining therapy aims to make slightly better improvements of the reactions made because of the links between the autonomic nervous system and limbic system. Its goal is to make the person suffering from Tinnitus habituate to the sounds and perceptions its brain is making. The Tinnitus retraining therapy involves several techniques that can achieve this.

Learn more about TRT here:

Best Ways to Manage Tinnitus: Conclusion

Tinnitus is an unfortunately common occurrence in individuals. Some can have it for just a short time, but others experience it as a persistent problem. Following these tips and effectively managing triggers for tinnitus can help you live a more comfortable life.

Stephen Geller Katz at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ in New York, has over 20 years of experience providing excellent tinnitus retraining therapy. Visit us in person or give us a call today.

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™
Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R

Latest Data on Tinnitus

What is some of the latest data on tinnitus? Many people, especially adults, experience the tinnitus symptoms. In fact, an estimated number of 3.4 million people suffer from tinnitus. Not to forget, 56.1 percent of these adults are experiencing tinnitus for more than 5 years. On the other hand, tinnitus is affecting the remaining for over 15 years.

Latest Data on Tinnitus

While tinnitus can affect people of all ages, adults mostly fall victim to this hearing condition. You can notice a direct correlation between increased severity of symptoms and people over the age of 51. Let’s see what tinnitus really is and whether you need to see a doctor for your tinnitus.

What is Tinnitus?

Simply put, tinnitus is a hearing condition that affects a person’s ability to hear a sound that has no external source. Normally, we are able to hear and recognize sounds when a certain thing in our surrounding environment sends sound waves towards our eardrums.

However, people suffering from tinnitus can hear sounds that do not have an external source. Many people happen to hear a ringing sound in their head whereas others also experience sounds like roaring, chirping, hissing, whistling, and humming, etc.

If you’re suffering from tinnitus, you might hear such sounds in one or both your ears, or even inside your head. Some with tinnitus can hear a sound coming from a distance. The sound(s) can be intermittent, constant, or pulsating. In fact, the symptom can vary from person to person.

More often than not, symptoms of tinnitus are very subjective but it can also be objective at times. This means that other people are also able to hear your tinnitus with you. For example, you might be hearing a whooshing sound in case you have a heart murmur. So, your doctors can hear such tinnitus with the help of a stethoscope.

One common type of tinnitus is pulsatile tinnitus that normally affects older adults. Pulsatile tinnitus is characterized by a heartbeat in the ears that usually becomes more prominent and noticeable during the night. In case you experience pulsatile tinnitus in your bed at night, consult a doctor for a tinnitus checkup. This type of tinnitus in older people can also be a sign of blood vessel damage or even a tumor.

What Causes Tinnitus?

Although tinnitus can affect people for long periods of time, almost everyone experiences it at some point of their life. You may experience symptoms of tinnitus for a short time after you’re exposed to loud noise, like at a concert or a party. This type of short term tinnitus can go on for 2 to 3 days.

Latest Data on Tinnitus

Other common causes for tinnitus are:

Hearing Loss

Your inner ears have small hair cells called cochlea that move when met with sound waves. As your ear receives sound waves and movement of cochlea takes place, ears send electrical signals along the auditory nerve towards your brain. You are finally able to hear when the brain interprets these signals. Tinnitus can be a symptom of hearing loss if you have a broken or bent cochlea.

Ear canal blockage or infection

Ear canal blockage and ear infection can both contribute to tinnitus. Cerumen or fluid buildup from an ear infection can block your ear canal creating pressure in your ear. As a result, you might experience symptoms of tinnitus.

Head and neck injuries

Oftentimes, an injury of the head or neck can damage your ear and associated parts and functions. It can affect your inner ear, brain function that is linked to hearing, and auditory nerves. Such injuries can lead to tinnitus, usually in one ear only.


Tinnitus can also be a result of certain medications. Various medications can trigger or worsen tinnitus, especially in case of high doses. These medicines normally include NSAIDs, diuretics, antibiotics, antidepressants, and cancer drugs.

Latest Data on Tinnitus: Bottom Line

Although tinnitus does not indicate a serious health risk in most cases, it can also be associated with nerve damage or tumor. Therefore, it is important to seek professional medical help if your symptoms of tinnitus prevail longer than a few days.

If you’re looking for the top tinnitus treatment specialist in New York, speak with  Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™. Dr. Katz possesses over 20 years of clinical patient experience and provides excellent Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy.

Call Dr. Katz and schedule an online tele-session today:

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street
Penthouse Floor
New York, NY 10001

Common Treatments for Tinnitus

What are some common treatments for tinnitus? Tinnitus is a hearing condition that affects millions of people all around the world. In the US alone, 50 million adults suffer from tinnitus. While tinnitus can affect people of all ages, it is most common among adults older than 50 years of age.

Common Treatments for Tinnitus

Moreover, adults usually experience the chronic form of tinnitus due to several aging related health conditions. In fact, various studies reveal that more than half of the adults affected by tinnitus have been experiencing tinnitus sounds for over 5 years.

Tinnitus Diagnosis and Treatment

Your medical professional will typically run a diagnosis based on your symptoms. However, tinnitus can also often be a sign of underlying health conditions. So your doctor might also conduct the following tests:

  • Hearing exam: Hearing loss is the most common cause of tinnitus, so a hearing test can help identify that.
  • Movement: Lips, tongue, or jaw disorders can also cause tinnitus. Movement tests can help identify underlying disorders that need treatment.
  • Imaging: If your doctor suspects a certain cause, they may need imaging tests such as CT or MRI scans.
  • Labs: Drawing and testing blood is essential to look for thyroid problems, anemia, or vitamin deficiencies.

Tinnitus treatment typically depends on the cause behind your tinnitus. Common treatments include:

  • Earwax removal: Cerumen (earwax) buildup can trigger tinnitus for many, so removal can prove significant.
  • Treating blood vessels: Damaged, bent or hardened vessels can lead to tinnitus in one or both ears. So, treatment of blood vessels can largely help address your tinnitus problem.
  • Hearing aids: Hearing aids may help if your tinnitus is a result of age related or noise induced hearing loss.
  • Changing medications: tinnitus can also often be a side effect of certain medications, such as cancer drugs. Changing the medication should ease tinnitus in such cases.


Sound Therapy

There are four general mechanisms of sound therapy that work to suppress tinnitus sounds:

  • Masking: Masking is a form of sound therapy that uses sound maskers to cover up or ‘mask’ the sounds of tinnitus.
  • Distraction: Distraction uses pleasant external sounds to distract a person from tinnitus sounds.
  • Habituation: The practice of habituation trains the mind to disregard tinnitus sounds as unimportant noise.
  • Neuromodulation: Neuromodulation also makes use of specialized external sounds that rewire the brain to minimize neural hyperactivity.


Counseling refers to behavioral treatment options that help affected people in coping and live with tinnitus. It seeks to change the way a person thinks about tinnitus, reducing anxiety and stress associated with stress. This way, tinnitus sounds no longer affect your productivity, mood, or concentration.

Best Common Treatments for Tinnitus

Common options include:

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

Tinnitus retraining therapy is a personalized treatment program that requires brilliant cooperation between a medical professional and the patient. TRT uses a combination of treatment methods such as sound therapies and counseling from trained professionals. Over time, tinnitus becomes less annoying and debilitating through tinnitus retraining therapy.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy is another form of counseling that involves a licensed mental health professional helping you cope with tinnitus. The medical professional counsels and teaches techniques that can make the symptoms of tinnitus less noticeable and bothersome.

Common Treatments for Tinnitus: Conclusion

Tinnitus is a hearing related condition in which a person perceives sounds that do not exist in the external world. Constant ringing in the ears can have various adverse effects on the quality of life. So, seeking medical help can prove significant in enjoying life again.

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ in New York has over 20 years of experience in providing excellent TRT. Schedule a convenient online session with Dr. Katz today.

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street
Penthouse Floor
New York, NY 10001

Call today for a consultation

Tinnitus Sound Therapy

You may benefit from tinnitus sound therapy to help manage and treat your tinnitus symptoms. Tinnitus is a sound disorder that involves ringing, buzzing, and similar types of sensations in one or both of the ears of the affected person. It is a common medical problem that affects millions of people every year. It’s a fact that tinnitus usually affects older people because they are vulnerable to an array of health problems and disorders.

Tinnitus Sound Therapy & Treatments

Tinnitus is a persistent condition that is rarely curable through constant treatment. If you have tinnitus, you might already know that ringing or buzzing sensations can be frequent and intermittent. Moreover, they vary in loudness from high to low pitches. When the sensations or tinnitus noises occur in sync with your pulse, experts regard it as pulsatile tinnitus.

However, many treatment options aim to reduce the adversity and impact of the noises that occur due to tinnitus. They aim to alleviate the discomfort due to tinnitus. Nonetheless, we will focus primarily on tinnitus sound therapy in this article.

What Conditions & Illnesses Can Lead to Tinnitus?

Here are some of the most general causes of tinnitus that also include health conditions:

  • Meniere’s disease damages the inner parts of the ears, which may lead to tinnitus.
  • Specific kinds of prescription drugs and medication also hurt cardiovascular health and parts of the ear, which leads to the manifestation of tinnitus symptoms.
  • Excessive ear wax buildup can cause infections and in rare cases, benign tumors, which usually affect the auditory nerves. This causes irregular electric impulses to the brain resulting in tinnitus.
  • Elderly people are susceptible to a high range of health problems as their body cells and organs weaken. The same goes for healthy parts of the inner and middle ears.
  • Stiffening of the minute bones in the inner ear (otosclerosis) leads to tinnitus since the sound conduction no longer remains efficient.
  • Injuries to sensitive parts of the head and neck can lead to deterioration of the blood vessels within. Hence, there are high chances of experiencing tinnitus and tinnitus episodes.
  • High blood pressure and cholesterol disorders can weaken blood vessels which damage the sound-sensitive organs in the ear.

Tinnitus Sound Therapy

Currently, there is no permanent cure to treat tinnitus or any of its rare or common types. Nearly all treatment options emerge from the field of ENT and pertain to reducing the symptomatic effects of tinnitus and associated health problems. However, among the various types of treatments and remedial approaches to tinnitus, sound therapy is one of the most sought-after and successful practices.

The first thing to know about tinnitus sound therapy is that it involves an expert audiologist who can handle and deal with multiple hearing and audio devices. These include hearing aids, masking devices, noise-blocking devices, and similar types of machines.

Tinnitus is an internal sound that occurs due to musculoskeletal and cardiovascular movements. Hence, it produces non-auditory sounds. Therefore, counteracting the noise symptoms of tinnitus with the use of external sound devices can help. To sum up sound therapy for tinnitus, you should know that your doctor will instruct you to wear the most effective noise blocking or reducing device in conjunction with relieving and directive counseling.

While sound masking devices will block unwanted external noises and tinnitus sounds to allow you to focus, directive counseling will enable you to conduct a transparent and non-bothersome thought process with as little awareness of the tinnitus issues as possible. Often, experts suggest that you use external sound devices to drown out the tinnitus sounds, making them seem less disturbing. This could include sounds of rain, wind, and others.

Top Tinnitus Sound Therapy Specialist

Mechanisms of Actions for Tinnitus Using Sound Therapy

There are 4 primary action mechanisms in the tinnitus sound therapy treatment. Here are all 4 of them in a brief and comprehensible manner.


This involves the doctor or audiologist exposing you to external sounds. These sounds are loud enough to cover the tinnitus noises of a person, either partially or entirely.


This mechanism refers to the distraction that the external sound causes, making the patient less aware of the tinnitus sounds.


This is a form of directive therapy that aims to reclassify tinnitus sounds in the brain of the patient. Accurate guidance helps patients overlook tinnitus noises such as ringing or buzzing as neural signals.


This is a complex mechanism that involves using specialized sounds to reduce neural hyperactivity that experts believe is the origin of tinnitus.

Tinnitus Sound Therapy: Conclusion

If you are in search of the best tinnitus specialist near you, contact Tinnitus Cognitive Center™. Dr. Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, provides individualized attention to all his patients and caters to the treatment of different ENT disorders, including tinnitus and its rare types.

To schedule an easy, online tele-appointment with us, call 646-213-2321. We offer compassionate and reliable healthcare services to all the patients seeking to alleviate the stress and anxiety caused by sound disorders such as tinnitus.


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Tinnitus Treatment Options

What are the most effective tinnitus treatment options? Many people misinterpret tinnitus as a disease, but it’s actually a symptom. Tinnitus is the unpleasant clicking, ringing, and hissing sound you feel in your ear. At times, it can get very hard to control and makes you feel uncomfortable. Tinnitus also links to many hearing issues, making it difficult for you to hear properly. Tinnitus treatments include a variety of different behavioral, electronic, and medical therapies. It’s always best to consult with your physician before opting for any treatments. Mentioned below are the different Tinnitus treatment options available.

Tinnitus Treatment Options

Different Tinnitus Treatment Options

1.     Behavioral Therapy

The intensity of tinnitus people experience has a lot to do with their emotions. This explains why it is so important to control your emotions to relieve the tingling sound due to tinnitus. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the best way to get a hold of your emotions, thereby controlling tinnitus. A common name for this is talk therapy, which helps people accept the disturbing sound they hear. Instead of getting rid of the sound, the therapy involves learning how to live with it. At the same time, it helps control your stress levels.

Psychological disorders like depression and anxiety are common among people suffering from tinnitus. These conditions make the symptoms worse and vice versa. Hence, it’s important to control it using CBT. You will have professional therapists overlooking this treatment procedure, and within a few weeks, you will feel less irritable in response to different sounds.

2.     Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy (TCRT)

Tinnitus retraining therapy is another treatment option. It involves a professional audiologist conducting the therapy. These treatments involve wearing a sound masking device and receiving counseling from a professional. As you hear different sounds, the professional will guide and counsel you through it. The purpose of this treatment is to reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety you experience upon hearing disturbing sounds.

3.     Hearing Aids

Tinnitus links with hearing loss as it is one of the symptoms of this condition. To revive your hearing ability, it is best to use a hearing aid. When you suffer from hearing loss, the brain starts perceiving sound frequencies in different ways. For this, a hearing aid is necessary. This device comes with an amplifier, speaker, and microphone. The brain is able to process sounds differently thanks to neuroplastic changes in the instrument. According to a report in The Hearing Review, around 60% of people experiencing tinnitus received relief thanks to the use of a hearing aid.

4.     Medications

Numerous antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs can help reduce tinnitus symptoms, giving you some sort of relief. Your doctor can prescribe most of these medications.

Top Tinnitus Treatment Options

5.     White Noise Machines

White noise sound machines are a unique way to treat tinnitus. They do so by producing static and environmental sounds such as sea breeze or waves. These sounds provide a sense of calmness and drown any disturbing noise.

6.     Sound-Masking Devices

To reduce the sounds of tinnitus, you can use sound-making devices. This is an electronic tabletop device that plays sounds like nature’s noises, white noise, or any other ambient sounds. These sounds are louder than the static people may hear due to tinnitus. The purpose behind this is to eradicate the sounds slowly.  Some people also fit these devices in the ear for better sound exposure.

7.     Physical Activity

With tinnitus, it is common to experience a decline in well-being, and it only gets worse. This is why it is crucial to maintain your overall well-being. The best way to do that is by engaging in daily physical activity via a consistent exercise routine. This will help you keep tinnitus-induced symptoms, such as anxiety, depressive mood, and stress, under control. It also allows you to sleep better and stay fit to fight off tinnitus.

Other Treatments

  • Ear Wax Removal
  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction
  • Hypnosis
  • Homeopathic remedies
  • Acupuncture
  • Nutritional Supplements

Tinnitus Treatment Options: Final Words

Tinnitus treatments are readily available, but make sure you consult with a healthcare professional before acquiring any of these treatments. If you’re opting for behavioral therapies, make sure you seek them from a professional with years of experience.

For the best tinnitus treatments, visit the Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ in New York City to experience a new chapter of life unbothered by tinnitus-induced symptoms.

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street
Penthouse Floor
New York, NY 10001

Call today for a consultation:

Dr. Katz fluently speaks 5 languages. All sessions are performed online.

Can You Cure Tinnitus?

People suffering from this condition must often ask, can you cure tinnitus? Tinnitus is usually a symptom of an underlying condition that you may be suffering from. If you go to a doctor when suffering from tinnitus, they will initially diagnose you for another cause that may be leading to diagnosis. In some cases, the doctor cannot find another cause for your problem, and this allows for medical examination.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a symptomatic expression that causes you to hear a ringing or whistling sound without the existence of external sounds. The frequency, loudness, and type of sound varies from person to person. Some experience a hissing sound, while others may also experience a clicking sound. The most commonly reported tinnitus sound is the ringing sound.

Causes and Treatment

Depending on whether you are aware of the underlying cause that is causing your tinnitus, the doctor will treat it differently. If the doctor manages to treat the underlying condition, then the symptomatic tinnitus is likely to get better.

In some instances, an added wax buildup in the ear causes the occurrence of tinnitus. Therefore, earwax removal is the simplest and appropriate treatment for your tinnitus. Alternatively, if a more serious problem is causing the tinnitus such as a blood vessel issue, then the treatment could either be medication or surgery.

Can you cure tinnitus?

It is important to note that the severity of the underlying condition determines the intensity of the tinnitus to a great extent. Your tinnitus may be more frequent and louder if you previously existing, and inherited issues with your ear. Additionally, tinnitus is also common amongst older people with hearing loss.

Can You Cure Tinnitus?

Your auditory system is one of the main reasons behind tinnitus. This involves the inner ear, outer ear, and the nerves that transmit signals between the ears and brain. People that suffer from tinnitus have faulty mechanisms in the auditory parts of the brain.

Thus, depending on the networking of the electric signals in the brain, the tinnitus you experience can either be persistent and loud, or subtle and low. In most cases, tinnitus is a rare occurrence. While to some people, it seriously disrupts their quality of life.

Since tinnitus is not in itself a condition, there is no cure for the symptom. However, you can find methods that can help reduce the intensity of the condition and make it bearable. Methods take shape in the form of medication, remedial techniques, and more importantly therapy.

As a person suffering from tinnitus, you can use many therapeutic measures to alleviate the pain. While there is no promise of a cure, there are therapies in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and some remedial measures that could improve your quality of life and help you deal with tinnitus.

Common Treatments of Tinnitus

Health practitioners will recommend plenty of techniques and options to mask the annoying sounds tinnitus patients hear. This is mainly because there isn’t any proven way to stop the sounds. So, resorting to sound therapy remains the alternative option for now.

TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy)

In this therapy, professionals use cognitive solutions, such as sound therapy and counseling to “retrain” the brain, or the patient to have a different reaction, perception, and understanding of the sound. Unlike a medical cure, this therapy leans towards psychological solutions, and it largely works because of the subconscious nature of tinnitus.

The idea behind TRT is to heal the person on the subconscious level since there are no effective options that will heal them physiologically. The brain has a natural ability to “habituate” or become familiar with a sound and ignore it, subconsciously classifying it as “white noise” or background sounds.

Thus, with proper counseling in the form of cognitive-behavioral therapy, a patient can ultimately achieve a different perception of the dreaded sound and learn to avoid it. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy are the two main methods that comprise TRT.

Can you cure tinnitus? Treatment Specialist | USA UK Europe Dubai UAE

CBT is a form of in-person counseling in which the therapist aims for the patient to discover the root and depth of their problems. With enough counseling and insight, it is very much possible for the person to look past the drastic sounds and not lose focus.

Sound exposure therapy also helps in this regard. In this, the patient exposes themselves to the tinnitus sounds more frequently with the help of an external source. The goal of this therapy is to desensitize the individual to drastic sounds.

With enough exposure to sounds, patients are likely to have a better response to sounds when they encounter an episode of tinnitus. There is plenty of evidence that supports the efficacy of these methods, and most of them have changed the lives of many suffering from this condition.

Can You Cure Tinnitus? Conclusion

Tinnitus is a tough condition to diagnose and treat, which is why it’s generally best to consult with a specialist. Stephen Katz LCSW is a tinnitus specialist in New York, with years of experience in dealing with tinnitus patients.

Call today to schedule a convenient online session, accessible from anywhere in the world. Dr. Katz speaks 5 languages and has dedicated much of his life to helping people diagnose & treat tinnitus and other sound disorders. 

Call Today

(646) 213-2321

Visit our website for more information.

Natural Ways to Relieve Tinnitus

What are some natural ways to relieve tinnitus? The most common definition of tinnitus is the ringing in your ears. Well, a patient suffering from tinnitus can hear multiple different sounds apart from just ringing. The sounds that a tinnitus patient hears have no external source or existence producing them. This can be quite disrupting for an individual, as there is no possible way to remove yourself from the annoying sound.

Tinnitus Causes

A patient can suffer from either short-term tinnitus or long-term. The causes for this condition are not certain but may vary from several factors such as earwax, loud sound exposure, stress, or even anxiety. Although genetics may also be one factor to blame for the occurrence of tinnitus, it is difficult to pinpoint one particular cause of tinnitus.

This is because tinnitus is not a disease itself, but it is a symptom of another underlying illness or condition. Conditions either may directly or indirectly result in tinnitus without any relation to the ear.

natural ways to relieve tinnitus

What does Tinnitus Sound Like?

Most people describe tinnitus as a ringing sound in their ear; however, the wide range of sounds that people can experience includes whistling, hissing, grinding, buzzing, and more. Moreover, the frequency of occurrence may also vary in each individual.

For example, some people might experience the sounds constantly, while others can experience the sounds occasionally. Similarly, the loudness also alternates between very loud and very quiet. If you can hear some of these common sounds without any external presence of the sound, that is a good indication of tinnitus.

Tinnitus is a common disorder and affects people of all age groups, including children. It is more commonly a symptom of old age. For most people, tinnitus is a temporary disruption; however, to others, it destroys their quality of life.

Natural Ways to Relieve Tinnitus: Treatment

If you want to treat your tinnitus, you have to figure out the root cause of the disorder. If the tinnitus you experience is an underlying symptom of another condition, you have to treat that cause to get rid of the problem.

For example, if you have an earwax buildup that is resulting in tinnitus, then you must treat the earwax to get rid of the tinnitus to some extent or even alleviate the tinnitus symptoms.

On the other hand, if your tinnitus does not come from any underlying condition but only the abnormal perception of your brain, then you have to seek other solutions. Cognitive Behavior Therapy stands as, by far, the most widely accepted treatment that helps with chronic tinnitus.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

Tinnitus may be resulting from the drastic conditions of stress, anxiety, depression, or insomnia. These underlying mental conditions are common with people who suffer from tinnitus. CBT is a therapy that treats mental disorders such as these. Many people have reported their tinnitus to disappear, along with their anxiety. Some even claim their tinnitus triggers as soon as they come across a stressful situation.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to make people familiar with an uncomfortable situation so that they do not have an anxiety-fueled response to adverse situations. As a result, it makes you confident, calm, and free of tinnitus.

In other words, treating a person’s anxiety and depression will ultimately make their tinnitus better because they will no longer fall victim to stressful situations. CBT not only makes your tinnitus better but also improves your life’s quality.

best natural ways to relieve tinnitus

How Does it Work?

CBT, with a combination of medication, proves to be one of the best treatments for tinnitus. However, it is a natural solution that can also work without medication. It involves the key role of a therapist or consultant who helps you determine the inner workings of your thought process.

It helps you relinquish some of the feelings and thoughts that you have been holding on to. By doing so, it gives you another perspective on your anxiety and depression. In other words, it is the rewiring of the brain, which helps you act differently to a triggering situation.

To people that experience tinnitus at an instance of a stressful situation, CBT can be immensely effective.

Other Natural Treatments

Other natural solutions to tinnitus revolve around lifestyle changes such as frequent exercise and nutrition. Activities such as these help with inflammation, better sleep, and reduced stress. Thus, they can be critical in controlling the intensity of your tinnitus.

Some people like to resort to meditation to alleviate stress and anxiety, which is another method of treating tinnitus. Along with the common herbal remedies and supplementation, basic mindfulness is amazing alternatives to treat tinnitus.

Natural Ways to Relieve Tinnitus: Conclusion

Tinnitus can be frustrating and, in some cases, severe. The worst thing about this condition is that there is no particular cure or treatment for it. The only promise relies on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and other methods. We provide the best CBT services for Tinnitus patients. Visit Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ and call us at 646-213-2321.

Treatments For Tinnitus

What are the treatments for tinnitus? Many factors can cause Tinnitus, including genetics, physical problems, noisy environments, etc. To know what is causing ringing in your ears, visit us for a thorough examination, including a close check-up of your ear. Tinnitus may also occur as a side effect of different medications. Therefore, when you come for an inspection, tell us what medication you are taking so that we can figure out the cause accurately.

If the source of your problem is not apparent, we may recommend you to consult an otolaryngologist, an otologist or an audiologist for testing your hearing, and nerves. Your examination may include an audiogram, which is a hearing test. We may also recommend imaging techniques, such as a CT scan or an MRI, to observe any structural damage.

Treatments For Tinnitus

Treatments for Tinnitus

In most cases, Tinnitus is a result of an existing condition. Treating that condition/disease helps get rid of Tinnitus. If your ear problem does not relate to any medical condition, we will suggest you other non-medical treatments like masking the unwanted noise or therapies. Some Tinnitus cases may go without any medical treatments, but some do not – they need proper treatment.

If earwax is causing Tinnitus, our doctors will clean your ears with a suction device to give you instant relief. We may prescribe ear drops, which include hydrocortisone and antibiotics, to cope with the infection. You have to make sure to use the eardrops properly to treat Tinnitus.

1.     Medications for Tinnitus

Many medications can help you recover from Tinnitus. Some low dose anti-anxiety drugs, such as Valium or Elavil, may reduce some types of Tinnitus. For some people, placing steroids inside the ear with anti-anxiety medicine (alprazolam) is helpful.

2.     Masking Devices

Tinnitus maskers are also helpful for some patients. This masking device is like hearing aid but plays a pleasant sound to fight with the noise produced by Tinnitus. New masking devices come with both functions i.e., they can act as a masker and a hearing aid.

3.     Dental Treatment

According to many professional doctors, Tinnitus may also occur due to a problem in the TMJ or temporomandibular joint. This joint is near the middle ear and connects the lower jaw with the head. Some hearing nerves also pass through this joint. If the TMJ disorder is the reason for Tinnitus, dentists realign the jawbone to provide relief.

4.     Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive Therapy is a counseling process that helps you in understanding how to modify your reaction to Tinnitus. When performed with proper medication and masking, cognitive therapy can offer some great results.

5.     Cochlear Implants

This device is useful for treating deafness. Additionally, it can be a great help for people who have Tinnitus. This device sends signals from the ears to your brain. Doctors only recommend this surgery if the cause of Tinnitus is a hearing problem.

Top Treatments For Tinnitus 02

6.     Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

This technique relies on the natural functioning of the brain. You hear the raindrops falling on the road or the roof when it starts raining. A few moments later, your brain ignores to hear those sounds actively. The noise of raindrops falling on the roof is still there, but your brain makes you let it go unnoticed. This is the basic principle that experts use when treating Tinnitus with TRT. There are two parts of TRT:

  • A person suffering from Tinnitus gets one-on-one counseling.
  • The tinnitus patient wears sound generators in the ear and plays some neutral sound.

7.     Biofeedback

This relaxation technique helps in stress management. Biofeedback can be helpful for some people as they change their reaction towards Tinnitus.

8.     Alternative Treatments

Some patients find relief from treatments like acupuncture, hypnosis, or magnets. There is no concrete evidence that these methods work. In some cases, people take vitamin supplements to treat the condition. According to some people, herbal supplements, zinc, or magnesium tablets have shown benefits.

Call Stephen Katz to Treat Your Tinnitus

The treatment your doctor chooses for you depends on your specific case. It is essential to know what the cause of this condition is before trying any treatment. Tinnitus treatment specialist Stephen Katz LCSW can help you with your condition.

Contact us at (646) 213-2321 to schedule an appointment.

I Have Tinnitus. What Are My Treatment Options?

What are your tinnitus treatment options?

Diagnosis of Tinnitus

Anyone who has Tinnitus should visit a specialist for evaluation and examination before treating the condition because many conditions, diseases, environmental factors, etc. can cause it. You cannot opt for a specific treatment unless the cause of Tinnitus is clear. The diagnosis may include:

  • Examination of the head, torso, neck, and ear
  • Hearing tests
  • Laboratory blood tests
  • Imaging studies



Tinnitus Treatment Options

The first step in treating your Tinnitus is to visit a Tinnitus specialist who will diagnose your condition and find out the causes of its occurrence. If your ear problem relates to another health condition, your doctor will treat that problem. In most cases, treating the underlying cause helps overcome Tinnitus as well. Otherwise, the doctor will suggest you other non-medical treatments, such as therapies, or masking the unwanted noise. In some cases, Tinnitus would go away without any specific treatment. In other cases, you might have to go for therapy to get rid of the condition.

For instance, if earwax blockage is the reason for your Tinnitus, the specialist will clean your ears with a suction device. Clearing the wax will relieve you from Tinnitus. If the ear infection is causing you Tinnitus, drops like hydrocortisone and antibiotics will treat your Tinnitus.

1.     Through Habituation Techniques

Our brain subconsciously habituates some sound signals that it considers unimportant, such as the noise of gentle rain, computer fans, air conditioners, etc. TRT therapy works by continuously hearing some pleasant sound and eventually drowning the ringing sounds.

2.     With the Help of Masking

Masking devices are just like hearing aids, but they play a pleasant sound in your ears to help you fight Tinnitus. These devices drown out the ringing of Tinnitus with sounds such as white or pink noise. Some masking devices can mask the condition and act as hearing aids at the same time.



3.     Through Medications

A variety of medicines can help you take care of the causes of Tinnitus, some low-dose anti-anxiety drugs like Elavil or Valium, for example. In some situations, inserting steroids into the ear along with an anti-anxiety medicine (alprazolam) can be helpful.

4.     With the help of Hearing Aids and Implants

A hearing aid can also be helpful if your Tinnitus is due to the loss of hearing. The hearing device will help you cope with the loss of hearing, which will eventually treat Tinnitus.

If the cause of Tinnitus is a hearing problem due to damage to the cochlea, the specialist will recommend cochlear implants. This surgery helps in treating severe deafness. It works by sending signals to your brain from the ears. Cochlear implants have helped many patients who had Tinnitus due to hearing loss.

5.     Through Dental Treatment

Temporomandibular joint or TMJ disorder can also lead to Tinnitus. A TMJ disorder is the result of the dislocation of the TMJ. This joint is near the inner ear, and some of the sensory nerves passing through this joint reach the brain to perform the hearing function. When this joint is misaligned, it damages your nerves, causing a hearing disorder. A specialist can help you with your condition by aligning your jaw and relieving you from TMJ disorder, and eventually treating Tinnitus.

6.     Through Stress Management

The biofeedback technique can help you with stress management. It can be helpful as your reaction towards Tinnitus is changed.

7.     Through Counseling

To treat Tinnitus, a specialist may also use this counseling method to help you modify your reaction to Tinnitus. This way, you can ignore the sound of Tinnitus. Cognitive therapy can boost the performance of Tinnitus medication and Tinnitus masking techniques.


Visiting a specialist is essential in treating your Tinnitus, as the occurrence of this condition may indicate a severe disease or some other serious medical condition. Tinnitus is an indication that something is not right with your body, and after diagnosis, you can treat that condition to treat Tinnitus as a result.

You can find a Tinnitus treatment specialist by contacting us at (646) 213-2321 or visiting our clinic for an appointment. Our specialist, Stephen Katz, can examine your condition to help you with the best treatment.

Current Treatments for Tinnitus

What are the current treatments for Tinnitus? Are you someone who feels a continuous ringing sensation in your ears and you find it unbearably irritating? Well, you may be suffering from Tinnitus, which is an auditory condition that can result from various causes. Do you want to make it go away or at least reduce its symptoms? Well, you’ve landed at the right place because we will discuss effective treatment options for tinnitus here.

It is very important to find out the exact cause that led you to develop the condition. One of the most common causes is hearing repetitive and loud shrilling noise. For example farmers or ambulance drivers who hear certain sounds daily. People who have such jobs are more likely to develop tinnitus.


In order to properly diagnose your problem, your doctor will ask you important questions. For example, is the sound high pitched or low pitched? For how long has it been bothering you? Have you been in an accident that caused a lot of blood loss? The answers to these questions and your medical history will help the specialist diagnose and reach a conclusion. A general physical exam and then a thorough exam of your ears will follow the questioning session. If you have any built-up earwax, your physician will remove it professionally.

Your medical history will also let the doctor know if you were on anti depressants that they may be the cause of tinnitus. MRI and CT scans are also useful to get a clearer idea of the internal structure of your ear. You may even have to take audio tests and pitch-match tests. After the diagnosis stage, once your doctor identifies the origin of your problem, you will under-go treatment that is specific to your state.

Current Treatment Options

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy is a special kind of therapy that doctors use to treat Tinnitus. It focuses on retraining the hearing system to process the irritating sounds better, so that the person starts to find the natural and not disruptive. It also involves the use of white noise via a device that helps drown out the tinnitus causing sounds.

In addition to that, multiple counseling sessions are also a part of this therapy. These sessions aim to help the sufferer clear out their thoughts and think better. TRT has proven to be very successful.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is another such therapy for relieving tinnitus. Therapists try to change the way you think. Your thought patterns are responsible for the way you behave. Tinnitus also causes intense depression because in severe cases sufferers isolate themselves in an attempt to avoid ringing sounds. CBT helps relieve depression and straighten out thought patterns.

Hearing aids and auditory/masking devices are also helpful when it comes to suppressing tinnitus symptoms. These devices produce a continuous low level white nose that covers up the tinnitus causing noise. If you take therapy sessions along with using such devices, you will definitely find relief from tinnitus symptoms.

Additional Tips

Know your triggers. Alcohol and excessive caffeine intake often contributes to the enhancement of tinnitus symptoms. If you smoke, quit it because it tends to mess up your blood flow. Meditate and listen to soothing music. Not only will it help you relax but also distract your mind from the ringing sensation.


There are multiple causes of tinnitus and it is important to find out what is the exact source of irritation that you suffer from. This can only be done after thorough investigation by a specialist. If you want to get rid of this problem once and for all, schedule your appointment with the best Tinnitus specialist, Stephen Geller Katz in NYC today!

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Tinnitus Cognitive Center

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street
Penthouse Floor
New York, NY 10001

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